
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Review #2: Hereafter by Tara Hudson

I first read this book in early July of last year. I remember that I loved it. Rated it a five star; and I understand why I did that :) I got an ARC of Arise; the second book in this series in February. So I knew that I needed to re-read Hereafter so that I could start Arise. But it did take me some time before I started re-reading it. But then I did today, and it was such a quick and good read :)

My thoughts on this book has changed a bit since the first time I read it. I'm rating it a four star this time. But a strong four. Because Hereafter is a really amazing and unique book. The plot in Hereafter is really great, I think. It is a love story. But it is also a mystery about ghosts. Sort of. You see, the main character, Amelia is a ghost. And there is a lot of unknown things about her.

First, she doesn't remember much about how she died and how she lived. She only knows her name and that she drowned. Which she keeps reliving a lot of times; and that sounds like it really sucks, by the way. She has been a ghost for many years, without having any contact with anyone at all.

But then she meets someone. Or, well, she saves a boy, Joshua, from drowning. Which starts the story of this book. I adored Joshua. He is an amazing character. Really sweet, and kind, and awesome. I liked his family as well. Well, sort of. His grandma; Ruth, can be a bit tough. But I did like her. And I sort of liked Jillian as well. But Joshua I loved the most. He is the best love interest.

Then there is the bad guy; Eli. And, yeah, I really didn't like him. He is cruel, and in a serious need of "possessing." Which makes him a bit scary as well. But he is also an really interesting character in this book. Especially at the end ;) Hih. But more about the plot. Although I will not spoil it for you.

The plot is really amazing. I liked that Amelia was a ghost. And I loved what we learned about it all. It is really unique. A great plot. Although it does worry me; the things she cannot do considering she is dead and all. But still. I did love it. The story is really great, and lots of things happen. Many bad things, but also many cute and adorable things.

Like the love story. Most of this book is about the romance, and I liked that. I love a good romance. And the love between Amelia and Joshua is really great. Liked it a whole lot. Wish for more of it, too :) The reason why I'm giving this book a four star this time is because I had a few issues with how it was written. But that is probably just me; have gotten seriously picky this past year.

But even so, that is my opinion. And still. This book is really great, and I loved it a lot :)
So if you like romance and ghost story books, and amazing characters, then you should read this book :)
My first review of Hereafter is here. It is very short though.


  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one...I loved it and at the time ghost stories weren't really my thing. Awesome review! =)

    1. Yay :D Thank you. <3 Glad you loved it as well :)

  2. Aah, I know that feeling of becoming "pickier" with certain aspects of a book, so I just love reading your second review of this. Thanks a lot for sharing, hun - you just made me want to pick up my eARC of ARISE immediately. :D (But it's not part of my reading schedule for this week, so I have to stay strong :D ). Hope you're enjoying ARISE! :)


    1. Yeah, I have gotten so much pickier these days with things I read o.O But I did still love this book :D It is awesome. You really should read Arise soon :D Just finished it. It is awesome ;) Thank you for commenting, sweetie. <3 :)

  3. Love your review:) Never heard about this book before:)


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