
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Review: Arise by Tara Hudson

I adore the covers of these books. Thinking I like the cover for Arise the best, though :) It is just simply stunning. I won this ARC from Tara back in February. And I cannot be happier about it. <3 First, it was a signed copy :D And I adore it so much. Plus I could not wait to read this amazing book; since I loved Hereafter :) And today I finally read it. And I am so please that I did. For the most part ;p

Warning though! This review will contain spoilers for the first book; Hereafter. Arise starts where Hereafter ended. Sort of. It starts about three months later; but things are still the same :) Meaning Amelia is still a ghost, and when she touches Joshua there is still that amazing sensation. But also the thing when she disappears while kissing him too much. Which sort of sucked a lot.

This book starts off good, really. I liked the beginning. But even from the start it is depressing. I'm sort of hating a bit on Amelia for how she was feeling that she had to do. Didn't approve of it at all. Really don't like those things. But. It wasn't that bad after all :) First, the first 200 pages of this book is really great. There is a lot of plot; lots of new ghost things revealed.

Plus we got to meet more of Joshua's family; which I liked. Although I think I still only like Jillian, really :) And Ruth. Athough Ruth was not in this book so much; which made me sad. But hopefully we'll see more of her in the next one. One of the new characters; Alex, I really, really did not like. He seems like a nice guy and all, but I never bought it.

There is a few more new characters in this book. Like Gabriella and Felix. I liked Gaby a bit, but I didn't understand how Amelia seemed to care more for her than Joshua at times; considering she had only known of Gaby for less than two days. Oh well. Just didn't get it :) But I did like her.

I did like Amelia in this book. Well, for the most part. She is still sweet, and she is really protective. But that's it. Too protective. Then there is Joshua. And he is still just the sweetest person ever. I adore him a lot. And I love the romance between them. I just did not like that there was so little :p Hih. But hopefully in the next book :) There better be, at least. <3

At about page 220 the horrible thing I had been dreading happened. And I did not like it. At all. And I felt like Amelia didn't care much about it, either; since she didn't think of it at all, it seemed :\ But then. A lot of stuff was happening to her at that moment, so I can sort of understand it. But not fully. The only thing that made it bearable for me was that it did not last more that two days. Thank god.

Although this book is only during a few days. But so much happen in those few days. And I really loved that no longer timed passed. Although I do wish the book had been longer. Since the book ends sort of good, but it hasn't been good for a while. And I just wished there had been more :)

The plot in Arise is really amazing. It is a lot better than Hereafter, I think. Also loved the writing in this book :D Arise has so much mystery and suspense. And things are always happening. Many bad and horrible things, but also a few good things. The romance in this book is great, although not very much of it. But the characters are amazing. And the story is so good. And it is all just so great.

If you have read Hereafter, then I really think that you must pick up Arise when it arrives! Because Arise is an amazing book. It has amazing characters and plot. And it is impossible to stop reading. I cannot wait for Elegy to come out. I need it right now, please :)


  1. Love the cover:) So Beautiful:)

  2. Great review Carina, glad you loved it. Cant wait to read this soon. x


  3. Wonderful review, Carina! I enjoyed Hereafter quite a bit and look forward to getting round to this. I'm glad to hear the plot in this book is even better. :)

    1. Thank you Sam :D I hope you'll love this book as well ;)


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