
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday #13

This week's topic is Top Ten Books On My Spring To-Be-Read list

1. Arise by Tara Hudson. Got this ARC a while ago; and I really wish to read it. Must re-read Hereafter first though :) Excited about that.
2. The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa. I still haven't read this one. And I just adored the first three books; and I love Ash so much. Must re-read them all so I can read this one :D
3. Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins. Now that I have all three books in this series, I really need to start them :) And I cannot wait. They seem amazing :)
4. Daugther of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. This book seems so amazing. Must read it soon.
5. Liesl and Po by Lauren Oliver. Really excited to read this; seems amazing :) Pretty cover.
6. Everneath by Brodi Ashton. Thsi seems so good. And I really must read it soon :)
7. Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini. Seems like an awesome book! Excited to read it :)
8. Pure by Julianna Baggott. Gorgeous cover, and it seems like an amazing book ;)
9. Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia. This series seems amazing! Cannot wait :)
10. White Cat by Holly Black. Seems like an amazing series! Cannot wait to read them all :)

I have so many books to read. But these are the top ten that I really must read ;) Also; this is the top ten books to-read that I already own :) Would be a too long list if it was of books coming out ;p I cannot guarantee that I will read them all; if any; but I really, really wish to read them :) Also; I didn't have room for all the books that I have that I must read. My to-read list is too big ;)
What is on your list?

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :)


  1. I picked Pure, too. It looks so great- I really need to get round to reading it! Wow, Arise is beautiful.

  2. Hi there, just popping in... Oh some great books here for me to add to my TBR pile, thanks.

    Old follower :)

    Here is my choice...

    Top Ten Tuesday

  3. Awesome list. I loved DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE, STARCROSSED, HEX HALL, THE IRON KNIGHT and EVERNEATH and am dying to read ARISE - so jealous that you already have a copy! Also need to get to PURE soon, too. :)

    Fictional Distraction

    1. Yay! Thank you. <3 Cannot wait to read all of these books :D

  4. I think I need to seek out Pure. Thank you for sharing these.

    Here's my
    Top Ten Books I'm Looking Forward to This Spring.
    I would love to have you stop by!

  5. Oh! You have so many fantastic choices! I love Daughter of Smoke and Bone, White Cat, and Liesl and Po!

  6. Oh you need to start the Hex Hall series for reals! I totally love it ;) I haven't read Hereafter yet but I guess the next book is a must read. Happy Reading!

    Hope you could drop by @ We Fancy Books

    Jay @ We Fancy Books

    1. :D I will do so very, very soon ;D Excited to read them all :) Thank you. <3

  7. Haven't read Hereafter, but everybody loved it so much, I have to get my hands on a copy ;D

    You must read The Iron Knight, it is SO good! <3


  8. I loved The Iron Knight! I just got Hex Hall from the library and I can't wait to get started. Great list!

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

  9. You have an ARC of Arise? Read it! :D I loved Hereafter and can't wait to read book two. I'm really excited to see what you'll make of the Hex Hall books. hopefully you will love them as much as I do. ;)

  10. You have a wonderful taste! Based on this list, I made myself a new follower ;) Especially Arised & Starcrossed are high on my still-to-read-list.

    My list:


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