
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday #23

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The demon Lilith has been destroyed and Jace has been freed from her captivity. But when the Shadowhunters arrive to rescue him, they find only blood and broken glass. Not only is the boy Clary loves missing–but so is the boy she hates, Sebastian, the son of her father Valentine: a son determined to succeed where their father failed, and bring the Shadowhunters to their knees.

No magic the Clave can summon can locate either boy, but Jace cannot stay away—not from Clary. When they meet again Clary discovers the horror Lilith’s dying magic has wrought—Jace is no longer the boy she loved. He and Sebastian are now bound to each other, and Jace has become what he most feared: a true servant of Valentine’s evil. The Clave is determined to destroy Sebastian, but there is no way to harm one boy without destroying the other. Will the Shadowhunters hesitate to kill one of their own?

Only a small band of Clary and Jace’s friends and family believe that Jace can still be saved — and that the fate of the Shadowhunters’ future may hinge on that salvation. They must defy the Clave and strike out on their own. Alec, Magnus, Simon and Isabelle must work together to save Jace: bargaining with the sinister Faerie Queen, contemplating deals with demons, and turning at last to the Iron Sisters, the reclusive and merciless weapons makers for the Shadowhunters, who tell them that no weapon on this earth can sever the bond between Sebastian and Jace. Their only chance of cutting Jace free is to challenge Heaven and Hell — a risk that could claim any, or all, of their lives.

And they must do it without Clary. For Clary has gone into the heart of darkness, to play a dangerous game utterly alone. The price of losing the game is not just her own life, but Jace’s soul. She’s willing to do anything for Jace, but can she even still trust him? Or is he truly lost? What price is too high to pay, even for love?

Darkness threatens to claim the Shadowhunters in the harrowing fifth book of the Mortal Instruments series.

Hardcover, 536 pages
Expected publication: May 8th 2012 by Margaret K. McElderry
Pre-Order here.

I have waited a long time for this book. I loved the first three books; the third one the most :) Then the fourth book came out; City of Fallen Angels. And it has so many things that I loved; but it ends so bad I have not re-read it since it came out.. But I will re-read them all before this book comes out :D Have waited some time before adding this as my WoW because there hasn't been a summary until now :) And oh. I LOVE IT! But it breaks my heart. And just. I cannot wait for this book. <3
What are you waiting for?


  1. I am dying to read this book!! Jace <3 <3 And I have a great feeling it will be amazing and awesome and epic!! <3 Can't wait! Great pick for your wow Carina!! :) *

  2. I'm an dying for this book. Not long left but I hope it will be just as amazing as the previous books! Donna xoxox

  3. Hi there :) just popping in... Great pick, I'm also eagerly awaiting this book!

    :) Here is my choice...
    Waiting On Wednesday

  4. I haven't read CoFA yet, but I have a pretty copy of it on my shelf and will read it soon. I also already pre-ordered a copy of CoLS and can't wait to get back into the Shadowhunter world. :) Awesome pick!

    Fictional Distraction

  5. This is on my WoW this week too! I can't wait for it to be released!!
    - Jenni (My WoW)

  6. I love the cover. Those are the Jace and Clary that I have pictured in my head. Bit behind in this series though but I hope that by the time this comes out, I will be up to date. Thanks for sharing :)

  7. I have not read 1 Casandra Claire book yet...I guess I need to before I get shunned from the book world :/ Maybe this new one will give me incentive to read them all!

    Here is my WOW
    If you're interested, come check out the THREE Giveaways I have going on at my blog!

  8. I can't wait to read it. Cassandra Clare's books are just soooo addictive. It's crazy. Awesome pick! ;)

  9. I keep telling myself I'm going to stop reading this series because I know CC will break my heart, but then I end up reading them anyway. And I really love Jace. :(

    My WoW


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