
Monday, March 19, 2012

Review: Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore

I'm having trouble finding words for this. I loved Graceling and Fire so extremely much, favorite books, I think. Except for Divergent. Maybe :) What I love about these books are the amazing writing, and the amazing place the story takes place. And, of course, the amazing characters. So I just knew that I would love Bitterblue. And I needed it. Right away. I have no patience, so May was too far away for me. Then I was lucky enough to get a goodreads friend to send me her copy :D And omg. I'm so, so thankful to Cynthia. Thank you :)

I must say a little warning. There will be spoilers for the first books, and there will be a few small spoilers from Bitterblue about the characters; but not plot wise :)

Bitterblue isn't as good as Graceling was I think, but it is very close. It is exremely special and unique. But I would have loved it more if it had been from Katsa or Po's POV :) Since, well, they are still my favorite characters, and I just need more of them :p <3 But I did love this book. So much. And I did love that it was from Bitterblue's POV. Because she is amazing. Most of the time :)

There is a lot of things happening in this book. And I wasn't able to put it down at any time. Exciting things are going on at all times, but Bitterblue isn't a part of any of it. Except for a few things. So I did get a bit bored with her. But I still did love it :) With so much happening it is easy to get confused about things. But I don't think I was, at all. I just love this world too much.

I don't want to give away the plot, because there is a lot of lies and betrayals in this book. And I think it would be better if you figure those out yourself ;) But you should know that this book is brutal. It has a few happy things happening, but mostly it's all sad and bad. We get to see how much everyone is hurting over what Leck did. And omg. It kills me. It is bad bad bad.

What's even more bad though, is that I sort of want to read all those 35 journals. Even though they will not be pleasant. Too much torture. But yeah, I do think it would be interesting to read it all :) Leck is a horrible, horrible person. And I do wish we could know why he was that way. Although I don't think there really is a reason. It's probably just something wrong in his brain, or something. But he makes an excellent bad guy, and I love that :)

There is extremely many new characters in this book. Too many to name. Some I really loved, others I really hated. Most I felt sorry for. First there is Bitterblue. Who was ten years old in Graceling, and is now 18. She is a kind and sweet person. Very naive, I think. But I still did love her, because I didn't blame her for it. She makes some bad choices that I do blame her for, though, and I'm not happy about it.

But still, Bitterblue is an amazing main character. And I did love reading about her story. Then there is Po. He is in this book much more than I had hoped, but also less than I had wished and wanted for. I wanted so much more of Po and Katsa. And I was left feeling a bit disappointed in them both. Well, mostly Katsa (A) She is still very.. impulsive. Leaving when she gets mad, etc. Also getting mad for not a good reason..

But then there is Po. And omg. I love Po so much. And I love him just as much in this book, as in Graceling. Although I would have loved it more if it was from his or Katsa's POV :) But he is a big part of this book. He is there for Bitterblue, when she needs him. Well, most of the time ;p And he still feels so broken, and I hate it :( Not gonna say much about it, but I was sad about some things going on with Po and Katsa. But, I did like how it ended :) Mostly. Wished for more. And wish the next book is about them :)

Then there is the love interest to Bitterblue. Thing is, I really loved Saf. A lot. And I was even more depressed that the romance was such a small part of this book. That there went so much time without them seeing each other, and that they weren't really together. I liked the time they spent alone near the end of the book, it was sweet. <3 But then it disappointed me a whole damn lot. I did not like how the romance ended. And how there wasn't really any. And gah! I just wished it had a happy ending :) Although some might think it were. But I don't. Not at all. And I'm not happy about it :p

But still, he was an amazing character and I loved him. And I loved his friends :) They were also amazing characters; and I loved that they were apart of this story :) I also loved another character named Death. And his cat; Lovejoy. Loved them :) There were also other characters I liked. But, yeah, it would take forever to name them all ;) You'll see when you read this book :)

There is also more characters from this book that were also in the previous books. And I really liked that twist :) But also think it ended way too soon. So disappointed in that. But still happy that it was there at all :) Then there was Raffin and Bann from the first book. And oh. I loved them so much! So cute. <3 And great characters :) Also liked Giddon in this book. He's not so bad ;)

Feel like it would take me forever to say what I loved about this book. And I think I'm done spoiling it for now :D lol. So I'm just going to say that I loved this book. It is an AMAZING story, with the best plot. And the best characters. And I loved it all. Except for the ending; wish it had been longer. Felt like it all ended too soon. But then, what I want more than anything, is another sequel :) Hopefully another Katsa book. Or Po. I wish. <3

I'm extremely excited for the hardcover to come out in May; because there will be maps! Lots and lots of maps. <3 So excited for that :) And because then I can re-read the final version :D

If you have read Graceling and Fire you really, really need to read Bitterblue when it comes out. Because it is simply amazing. And an awesome sequel. And if you still haven't read Graceling; then I do not know what is wrong with you. These books are a MUST read. For everyone. No matter what. <3

Goodreads - Pre-Order

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. Thanks for review:) Never read this book:)

  2. Nice review, Carina! Despite not enjoying Fire so much, I am REALLY excited to read this book. I loved the first one a lot and I hope Bitterblue is just a great as that one. Though your review tells me it is! Po is definitely one of my favourite characters too. ;)

    1. Thank you. <3 :D I think you'll love it :D I didn't find it to be better than Graceling; but it is still so so so so so so good :D I just need more. <3 Hoping for news about a new book soon ;D hih :)

  3. Thanks for the review - I hadn't realised that Kristen had a new one out yet. Another one for my wish list :D

    1. <3 thank you for commenting :D I think you'll love this one ;)


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