
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Review: Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl

I have too many conflicted feelings for this book. I just finished book 1 yesterday; and then read this one today. I thought it would be just as amazing as the first one; so I was so disappointed when it wasn't. The story is awesome, the other isn't. So beware. This review will contain spoilers to book 1 and spoilers of this book. Can't write this review without it.

Also; this review won't be very long because I do not feel like saying any positive things about it. I have some words, but it won't be many. My review will be a lot of negative, because that is how this book was to me. Just hurtful with thousands of things I hated. I was unsure about how to rate it, but I am rating it with how I felt about it. Which is a 3 star. The story is a 5 star, but that don't matter to me at the moment.

I'll start with the positive. The story. The story in this book is just as amazing as it was in the first book. Still as unique and never stopping. So many things happen; and I liked the plot twists. So, yeah, I liked the story. But that was it. Although I did love Ethan. He is still an amazing person. And I hurt for him a whole lot. Also liked Link and Amma.

I'm not sure how to start with all the hating on this book. I'm sure many people didn't have any trouble with it. But I did. It's just something I do not like and will never like or approve of. So here starts all the spoilers. BEWARE! lol. This book starts where book one ended. With Macon dead. And Lena grieving. If you can call it that. We get to see a few moments in the four months that jumps ahead.

Didn't really like all the time jumping, because it just brought Ethan and Lena farther and farther apart. And I didn't get it. Why did that need to be apart of this story? Why do all authors seem to do it? I don't see any positive thing with seperating the couple and then making some stupid triangles that did not make sense. And they only hurt. Which is why I'm hating so much.

Lena is feeling quilty. And I sort of get that. But the thing is, Macon died so that Ethan could live. So why isn't she happy that he is alive? Why isn't she enjoying the time spent with him? She is being cruel and I hated her so much for it. I could understand some of it, but not much. I'm not the forgiving type.

When Ethan and Lena split it isn't good. First of all, they never really break up. They just are. And that didn't really make much sense, either. Lena is a bitch. I'm sorry, but that's just how I feel about it :\ And then, of course, she was with another guy. Which she obviously was close with and felt things for. We never got to see them kiss, but they seemed to be intimate. I can't stand it.

I hated Lena in this book. Hated her so damn much. And I don't care if she was going through some rough times. You do NOT treat Ethan like that. The sweetest boyfriend. And she treated him like garbage. Ethan also tried to move on, after that. Sort of. He had some feelings for a new girl; but they never kissed or anything. And the thing is, I liked her. Didn't want a triangle, but she is a great character.

Something I also hated. Ethan just forgave Lena for it in the end. Just like that. And I really, really hated it. I didn't think he would actually just let it go that easily. I never would. So, yeah, I didn't like this book much. But even so. I still read it. And I did love the story and the writing. Meaning I am excited about the next book. But I also think I will hate much of it :(

Anyway, if you have read the first book in this series you really should read the next one. I think.


  1. Great review Carina. I actually tried to read this book AGES ago and couldn't get into it! I do want to try and again before the movie though. Donna xoxox

    1. Thank you :D Hih, you really should read them all :) They are awesome. <3 Even though the second book isn't just as good ;p

  2. Beautiful Darkness is a wonderful return to the characters and town we were all introduced to last year in the debut novel Beautiful Creatures, by authors Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. They do a great job of adding new struggles and questions for Ethan and Lena, while bringing in new characters and added depth to the magic and history of their southern town. I am already craving a return to Gatlin in the third installment of this highly addictive series.


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