
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Review: Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl

I have had this series for some months now; and I have wanted to read it for a long time. Just haven't before now; because it seemed like it would take me forever :) But then I started this first book today. And it took me about 12 hours to finish it. And oh. So glad I started reading it. I loved this book.

I loved the plot, and I loved the characters. And most important, to me, I loved the writing. It isn't always I do that; and when I don't I usually can't finish the book at all. But with Beautiful Creatures I loved it all. There wasn't a single point in this book where I didn't like the writing. Which was good :)

Was a bit nervous before starting this book. Had this fear that it would be heartbreaking/bad. But it wasn't. Well, it sort of was. There is much evil in this book. Lots of bad people. And there were a few scenes that broke my heart. But mostly, this is a sort of happy book. It is a love story. With an amazing plot. And yeah, I really liked that :)

I'm not really sure what I can really say about this book. The plot is really unique, and I do not want to give it away. Just know that it is awesome, and I really liked it :) It's really.. surprising, most of the time. It has a lot of twists and turns, and I loved them all. For the most part :D

There is a lot of great characters in this book. First, there is the main character; Ethan. And oh, I really liked Ethan. He is an amazing main character :) And I loved that this book was from his POV. He is a 16 year old boy, and he is one of the jocks in the beginning. But then Lena shows up. And everything changes for him. Some would call it bad changes, I think, but I loved them all ;)

Ethan is an extremely kind boy. And so sweet. He is living a really hard life. He just lost his mother less than a year ago, and his father has checked himself out. For the most part. But he has Amma. His almost-grandmother. And oh! I loved Amma. Mostly :D She is awesome. Loved that she was such a big part of this book :)

Ethan also has one other friend; Link. And, yeah, I really liked Link as well :) He's a bit weird; but then, who isn't? ;) And then there is Lena. I really liked how she ended up in this story. She is amazing, I think. A bit young, but then, I didn't really mind. She is very different from the rest of the school kids in this town. And I liked her that way.

Don't want to give too much about her away, just that I loved her :) And oh god. I hated the things the evil kids in this town did to her. It was cruel. So much of it. But then, I also loved that it was there. Lena doesn't really have a big family. But what she does have is awesome :) At least, I think so. Her 'parent', Macon, may not seem like the best man at times. But I really liked him a lot :)

Don't have much else to say about this book. The plot is really good. And the characters are awesome. And the romance is sweet. And I'm really excited (and nervous) about the next books :)
If you haven't read this book yet, you really should do so. <3


  1. Great review Carina. I'm really glad you enjoyed this book! I completely agree that the romance was sweet. Ethan and Lena were my favourite characters. :)

    1. Hih, thank you :D I loved it. <3 And, yeah, Ethan and Lena were my favorites too :)

  2. I have had this series on my shelf for about a year and have yet to dive into it. I guess the page count on this one just keeps me from picking it up. I think a male POV is very rare in YA and I love reading from POV that are unique so I have no clue why I have put this one off.

    Thanks for the great review, I'm so glad you loved this one and it really seems like I must give it a try.

    Hope you enjoy the second book just as much :)

    1. lol, yeah, the page count is why I didn't read it until now :D But the book is just so good, it didn't bother me that it was so long :) Hope you'll get to read it soon; and that you like it :D I loved that this book was from Ethan's POV. <3 It made it so much better :)

  3. i must read these books soon

    i must
    gr8 review carina

    btw the movie is next year

    1. Yes you must! :D Thank you. <33 Hih, I know :D Really excited for it now :)

  4. I was extremely hesitant about buying this book. But this review has really persuaded me into reading it. Brilliant review!


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