
Friday, March 30, 2012

Review: Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl

It only took me three days to read this series. One book each day. And oh. I really loved this series! :D Despite the second book that I didn't like much ;p But the first book is amazing. And this one, is also so amazingly good. Although they are evil, at times. Like with the ending. There will be a few tiny spoilers in this review; but nothing too big, I hope :)

Beautiful Chaos starts where Beautiful Darkness ended. Well, sort of. It jumps ahead a few months. But it is still the same plot :) And it still has all the same characters that I loved. And I have no idea how to write this review since I have already told you all about the things I loved :)

The characters in this book is still the same as they were in the previous books. They have improved some, though. So that is good :) Ethan is still the character I love the most. He is just so amazing. And so kind and sweet. And I just adore him. <3 I also adore his Amma :) Love her. Also still loving Link :) And I loved the Sisters. Although they sort of broke my heart.

I liked Lena a bit more in this book. I think I love her. Was a bit mad at her in the beginning; because of something with Liv. But she got a lot better near the end; so I ended up loving her :D Then there is Liv. Wasn't much of her in this book, really. But I do like her. She is an awesome friend. But I was pissed at her choice of boyfriend :p Really didn't like him. At all, really.

Macon wasn't such a big part of this book, either. But I do still love him a lot :D And there is a lot more characters that I really liked as well. Unsure about Ridley. Need to see some more of her before I decide how I feel about her. Not very impressed so far, though.

Then there is that amazing plot. I still love it so much! And I still don't wish to spoil the story for you :D So, yeah. The story is amazing and so many things are happening. So many amazing things, but they are all mostly just evil and bad. But oh how I loved them all.

And then there is that evil cliffhanger. It didn't really kill me as much as I expected it would; but don't be fooled. It is bad. I'm just having some hope considering there is a new book coming out :D And that book I need. Like really, really need. Cannot wait for Beautiful Redemption :)

If you still haven't read this series you really should :) And if you have read the first two books; you really need to read this sequel. It is amazing :)


  1. Wow, you read crazy fast! I'm so glad to see you are still enjoying this series. Brilliant review, Carina. :)

    1. LOL! :D Yeah, I sort of do :) But then, I don't get too many distractions :p Thank you. <3 :)

  2. What can I say? I've loved every single book of this series. I waited patiently for a whole year for this book to be released and now that I have it I had to force myself to slowly devour it because it might be another one long year for the next one. The story line took a whole new twist and in this time around, the story was centered on Ethan rather than Lena. It was enjoyable reading and seeing the development of John, Link, and Liv's characters into the plot line. Lastly as for the ending, that stunned me. I was not anticipating that and of course it ended on a cliffhanger. I am already anxious to read the last and final book and at the same time sad to see this series coming almost to it's end.


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