
Saturday, March 10, 2012

In My Mailbox #22

My mailbox is getting smaller. *Sniffs.* Although it is good for my money ;) This has been a bad week though, have not gotten to read much either. Have been sick since Monday, and still am :\ Whole family is sick. Hoping it will pass soon, though :) I did get to see the first season of Game of Thrones though! And oh! I loooved it :D Can't wait for season 2 :)
What did you get this week?

Pure I am a sucker for pretty book covers. <3 This is so pretty. And it does seem like a good book :)
Harbinger Pretty! :D And it seems like an amazing book. Excited to read it :)
Partials Well, this book looks so pretty. And it was good, mostly. Review here on my blog :)
Game of Thrones Loooooved this series. <3 But also a bit pissed at one death ;p
Lady and the Tramp Sigh. Such a cute movie. <3 Finally on Blu-Ray here in Norway :)
Slide Bookmarks More Slide bookmarks from Jill! :D I love love love them. <3 So pretty :)
The Vespertine Think this sounds like a great book. Pretty cover, too :D
Tempest ARC Won this from Carolina. <3 She is the best! It is even signed :D:D
Got three ebooks via NetGalley :D They do seem good, I think. I also won a copy of Shadows :D

In My Mailbox is an amazing weekly meme made by The Story Siren :)


  1. Ahhh it is a small week but it's full of awesome books!! Partials...I want it so, so bad! I thought the posters would have arrived by now week hopefully ~ Donna

  2. I got Partial in the post this week too! It's a lot thicker than I thought it would be. :D Can't wait to read it! Awesome haul as always. I grabbed a copy of Innocent Darkness off NG and it sounds so amazing so I'm looking forward to that one too. Hope you enjoy your new books! And get well soon! :)

    1. Hih, yeah, it was very thick! :) Woot ;D Thank you. <3

  3. I can't wait to read Pure & Tempest they both look so good! I hope you enjoy everything and i hope you feel better soon! Here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  4. I've got Pure and Partials from NetGalley, still haven't read them but the covers are beautiful!!

    Tempest was really good, not what I expected but different.

    Happy Reading!

    1. Thank you :D Agree about the covers ;) They are awesome :)

  5. Harbinger! Partials! The Vespertine! I loved the latter, and I can't wait to read the first two, especially Partials, since I actually have a copy *LOL*

    Tempest's most memorable quality is the emotion running through it. You really feel Jackson's anguish. Plus, it's a guy narrator! How awesome is that?

    I'm so stoked for Shadows and Innocent Darkness. But, Artemis Fowl, particularly that first book, IS AMAZING. When you think of Artemis, think a young Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes. He's just so devious and clever that he quickly becomes a fave anti-hero to read about :D

    Have an amazing reading week!


    1. LOL! :D Partials is a good book ;) Not perfect, but still a great read :D Ohh, excited to read Tempest :) Hmm, maybe I'll like Artemis Fowl :D
      Have a great week :) <3

  6. I hope you enjoy Pure. I've read a lot of VERY mixed reviews on it. I got Partials this week too! I have Tempest and Harbinger sitting on my bookcase waiting for me. Happy Reading! :)

    new follower

  7. Was also addicted to Game of Thrones. I think my husband and I watched the entire season for two days thereabouts, we were that hooked. I've been meaning to borrow the book from our community library, but all 60+ copies are on loan! I find that amazing. Looks like it has the entire world on tenterhooks indeed. I found Book 3 of Game of Thrones on sale though at 2.50 sgd (roughly 2.20 USD), so I could tell that I would just end up buying Books 1 and 2. :) Do feel well soon!

    Here's mine over at GatheringBooks:

  8. This might be less books than usual for you, but it's still a huge and very awesome bunch of books! Have eARCs of PARTIALS and PURE on my Kindle and really hope to get to them soon. I hope you'll enjoy these! :)


  9. Harbinger, Partials, Tempest,Pure wow so many good books.
    My IMM

  10. What a beautiful mailbox you have this week. I love the covers for these books. Great haul.


  11. You got so many good books, I really want to read Pure!

    The Cait Files

  12. Partials is missing a book! *gasp*. Haha. I really liked that one. I also have to read my copy of Harbinger soon! O_O Awesome haul Carina!

    Xpresso Reads

    1. lol! Yes it is ;) I was reading it when I took the picture ;p Hih :) Thank you. <3 :)

  13. Great set! Lady and the Tramp is one of my all time fav movies! I want to read Partials too.
    My IMM

  14. Nice mailbox! I really enjoyed Harbinger. Lots of pretty covers in your haul! Enjoy!

  15. Awesome IMM!! The Vespertine is a fabulous read. I think you'll enjoy it. Happy Reading!


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