
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Review: Partials by Dan Wells

I'm unsure about how to feel about this book. See, the story and writing is worthy of a five star, but because of how much I hated the main character, and how much I disagreed with most of her choices, this book is only a three star for me. And that's okay; since this is my review and all :D Hih.

This review will contain some spoilers. But only spoilers about the things I did not like. Not about the plot and such :) You see, this book is amazing. The plot is so good, and the writing is amazing. But then, like I said, I could not stand the main character; Kira. I mean, sure, she is a good character, she is strong, and smart, and she is almost kind.

But she is evil. And I hate her. I know that many people probably don't, but I do, since I cannot stand to see the guy I love hurt. Kira has a boyfriend in this book, Marcus. They have been together since they were thirteen. And he loves her so much. More than anything. And I wish I could say she does the same, and she says she do, but she doesn't. I don't think she loves him at all.

She is nothing but mean towards him, never caring for him, or caring at all about his meanings and what he wants. All she cares about is "saving the world" and I get that, really, I do. But Marcus wants that as well. He just wants them to be together. But she doesn't. And I won't ever forgive her for that.

Especially not after what she does in the end. Yeah, she is an evil person and I hate her. Just so you know :D Also, there will probably be a love triangle in the sequel, which is why I hate this book. Because I don't see why there has to be. Marcus is the perfect boyfriend; he is kind, smart, loving, protective. He is everything. And I adore him.

But then, Kira does not see that at all. *couchbitchcough* Sorry (A) :D There is this person in this book, a Partial. The enemy of all the humans still alive. The people who started the war. Sort of. Don't want to say too much about it, because I love the plot, and I don't want to spoil it for you :D Because it's good ;)

But anyway, the Partial, which they kidnap so that Kira can study him to find a cure for RM, the sickness that has killed more than 99% of the population. Kira learns that his name is Samm. And she seems to be falling for him, which I hate. And she trusts him, and I don't get it. Because I wouldn't. None of the others would. And she does not listen to Marcus at all.

Anyway, I probably could have liked Samm. Maybe. If he was the love interest of someone else than Kira. Because Kira is supposed to be with Marcus. The one who loves her more than anything. Who would do anything for her. And gah! I just hate her for it. Even though nothing happens at all, but it might, but she doesn't seem to care for Marcus. And I'm really not liking her for it :p

I'm sorry for this sort of very negative review :D Or maybe not. It is the way I feel about this book. But, I also loved it. It is a great book, the story is amazing. Many of the characters are great, although many aren't. I loved the writing, and I loved the future-world it is set in.

And I cannot wait for the sequel :) And if there isn't any sort of love triangle in it, I might actually read it ;) I am also giving Kira a chance to get better. If she proves to me that she actually love Marcus, which she did not do in Partials, I might actually like her. But, well, I guess we'll see :)

Anyway, this book is a must read :) You should be cautious though, if you have the same issues as me :p


  1. Wow, it sounds like I might be pretty torn over this book, too. Especially if it seems like a love-triangle will bloom in the sequel. (Seriously, what is it with sequels and love triangles?!) Shame you didn't like Kira. :P

    1. Yeah. I think you'll be too. But still, it is a good book :) I HATE love triangles. Don't see the point in them ;D
      Thank you for commenting. <3

  2. I honestly can't decide about this book. I have mixed feelings. Although by the sounds of your review I would probably hate Kira too! Like you said not liking the main character brings the whole book down even if you loved everything else about it!

    1. Very true. It is hard to not like the main character :\ But the book is still good. :)
      Thank you for commenting. <3

  3. Oh, no, another love triangle? D: I think I'll have the same issue with Kira that you did, Carina. I feel bad for the good guys that are ignored, lol ;D


    1. Not in this book though :D But I'm pretty sure there will be in the sequel :\ Yay! Hih :D Me too :) Well, for some ;) At least for Marcus in this book :)
      Thank you for commenting. <3

  4. I like Kira. She's strong, makes mistakes, and isn't really afraid to say what she thinks. That being said, she is a little too perfect at times. And I completely guessed where her character was going to go by the end of the novel. My only thought was that I couldn't figure out how it made sense. But you'll see once you get to that point, I won't spoil it for you. Her boyfriend is pretty cool as well. He's got a sense of humor and adds some levity to the book. There are numerous other characters, but they aren't as focused on as Kira, and while it drives me nuts that we don't get their back stories sometimes, I'm hoping the continuing series will rectify that.

    The writing, as said before, is predictable. I had an idea of what was going to happen long before it ever actually happened in the book. It also drags quite a bit for the first half. I got tired of the detail and just wanted something to happen, and then I got my wish and everything started happening at once and the second half went too quickly. I think some balance would have been nice. The idea was fairly innovative. With all the dystopian novels coming out it's hard to be wholly original. But I think Wells has written something here that's worth reading if you like that genre of books.


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