
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Review: Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder

I really liked this book. But it has it's flaws, so I didn't love it so much. But it is still a four star :D And it is really good :) And I'm really excited to read book two in this series ;) Because it is good. Really good. The plot is amazing, but it also reminds me a lot of other books; like Across the Universe ;p I don't mind though. Not much, anyway ;p

I liked the plot a lot. I liked were the people lived, and how they lived. I mean, it is cruel, sort of, and horrible. But it is still sort of amazing. It's written well, I think. I also really liked the job the main character, Trella, had. In the pipes :) Although, ten hours of work, and then 5 hours break before work again? Too much work! I think (A)

But anyway, the pipes were awesome. Liked that she used those to get around everywhere :) I don't want to say more about the plot though, because even though it is amazing, if I talk about it too much I would spoil it ;p And I would rather you read it for yourself :)

I really liked the characters :) Well, most of the time. Trella is a great character. She is smart, kind and cute. She doesn't have many friends; just one. And she keeps to herself most of the time. Which I loved. Her friend, Cog, is not a romantic interest. Which I loved even more ;) He is very kind though. A good friend to Trella. A bit sad about what happens to him. Okay, a lot sad about it.

I really loved Riley though. <3 He lives in the Upper levels, and he shouldn't be with Trella at all. But he is. And I loved it. He is a great love interest :) Even though there isn't much romance in this book. But there is some, and it is good :) Hoping for more in book two, though ;)

The thing I didn't like about this book was that the torture scenes weren't described better. And LOL! That is a weird thing to dislike (A) I have just read a lot of YA books these days where scenes like that are described better, and was a bit disappointed that this book wasn't like that.

Also wished there had been more romance. But, yeah, hoping for more of that in book two ;) Also hoping for more about the Outside :D And to know more about the plot ;) It is really interesting. Anyway, if you have not read this book, you really should :) It's good. It has good characters, and bad ones, and it has a bit romance with a great plot.


  1. Amazing plot and great characters? I have to read this soon! This book has been on my radar for a while now but I haven't had a chance to get round to it yet. Hopefully I will be able to soon. Great review! :)

    1. It is a great book :D Think you'll like it ;)
      Thank you for commenting. <3

  2. I just read my first book by Snyder a couple of weeks ago (Touch of Power) and I LOVED it! So glad to hear you enjoyed this book by her as well! I am definitely going to check it out now sometime soon!

    1. I have that one too :D Seems like a good book ;) I think you'll like this one :) Thank you for commenting. <3

  3. Look good:) Never read this before, maybe one day I will:) Amazing plot:)

    1. I think you'll like it ;D
      Thank you for commenting. <3

  4. I read this one but have yet to pick up the second book. I hope to get to it soon, though! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. The second book is good; but not as good as the first :D But you really should read it, since you read this one ;D
      Thank you for commenting. <3

  5. Hopefully I will be able to soon. Great review! carina

  6. Sounds really good! I know you saw this as a downfall, but I'm actually happy to hear that the torture isn't described a lot in this book. Otherwise I wouldn't read it! I finished reading Legend yesterday, where the torture is detailed and it was too much in my opinion.


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