
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Review: Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross

Reading this book again was very much worth it. And so needed, before I start book two. I loved it so much when I read it last. And I loved it just as much this second time. Sigh. I'm always worried when re-reading a favorite book; that I won't like it the same. But that wasn't the case with this one. As I think I loved it even more.

The writing was still stunning. I'm also completely in love with the cover for this and for book two. Beyond gorgeous. And the story is just magical. Fully heartbreaking. But so hopeful and romantic. I just love every part of it. Though the ending hurt more this time. How rude. At least now I can read what happens next right away.

I'm going to try to write a shorter review this time. Just to share a little of my thoughts about this book. Though I am not reading my previous review first, ha. I love how popular this book has gotten. Because it is totally deserving of it as well. As it is a most perfect story. I'm so very nervous about the final book. I so want to love it even more than this one. But I'm so worried. Yet beyond excited. I must know more about Iris and Roman. More about her brother too, whom I'm currently not happy with. I want to know more about the gods and the war. And I want my happy ending. Sigh. But I want it to be happy way before it ends. There are many books that end happy, but never show the couple happy. Rude. But in this first book, we do see them happy. Somewhat. Sobs.

Going to talk a little about the story. Iris and Roman start as rivals in the paper. Kind of hating each other. Yet slowly beginning to like each other a little more. Until Iris's mother dies suddenly. And she is broken. And leaves for the war, to write stories about what is actually happening. And to look for her older brother, who left for the war half a year ago and has not written since. There is very much I should probably say about the plot of this book. But I'm not going to, haha. Only mentioning a little bit. You must read this too.

Before she leaves, though, she has been writing magical letters with a boy. First she spent some months writing letters to her brother, having them disappear from her wardrobe. Not getting any reply. Until one day she did. And she has been talking to this boy for some days. It was the best thing. Especially since we get Roman's point of view, and know that she is talking to him. He knows it. She does not. He wants to tell her, but is afraid. And oh, how I loved how they got to know each other in this way. Sharing stories.

It was the best thing. Though I do wish she had known all along too, because it did give me some extra heartbreak, that she did not know for so long. How rude. Anyway. This book is so special. Feels like it is set in the past, but more modern too. A magical place, where gods walked the earth not long ago. They have been sleeping. And are now awake, making war. I loved the small hints at magic in this book. How the houses could be magical. It was the best. I liked reading about this different war; was so interesting.

And of course, fully heartbreaking. Because Iris do get to the war front. She learns so much. And it was so sad and so real and I very much loved it. Roman missed her too much when she just suddenly left. He had his whole life planned from his father. He did not want it. And so he left to join her. And oh. I so loved this. The love story of Roman Kitt and Iris Winnow. I loved how they called each other by their last names most of the time. I loved how they argued. Then became more. I loved their romance more than anything.

Especially loved all the garden scenes. Sigh. And the trenches scenes too, though those were pretty sad. So much happened in this book. And yet too little as well. As it ended too fast, haha. I wanted more. Sigh. Cannot wait for book two next. I know, this review ended up being a bit rambling. But I do not mind. I just loved this story so very much. I loved Iris and Roman to pieces. I loved the setting. I so loved the friends, Attie and Marisol. I loved his nan. Especially loved Roman's past. It broke me. And it was the best, haha.

I could probably write about this book for ages and ages. But I'm trying not to, ha. Just know that I loved every moment of it. Even though it hurt me so very much when Iris finally learned the truth about Roman and the letters. How she left him for a bit. How hurt he was. It ruined me. Yes, it made sense. But it still hurt to see him hurt. Sniffs. And I loved it to pieces too. Especially how close they got after that. I loved how he was hurt in a different way; how she cared for him. Hoping for more of that, to be honest, haha.

Divine Rivals is still such a precious book to me. I love it with all my heart. Even the now broken pieces, haha. If you still have not read this book, then you are truly missing out. It is such a good story and you need it in your life too. Gosh, I'm so excited to start Ruthless Vows next. It is going to be amazing. Sigh. What I loved most about this one was the romance. Okay, it did annoy me a little how long it took before she finally learned who Carver actually was. But once she did, oh. It was perfection. The best romance.


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