
Saturday, January 13, 2024

In My Mailbox #636

Another week gone by :) And I have read a book this week too, eee. <3 A re-read of Divine Rivals. Sigh. And I'm almost done reading Ruthless Vows as well; will finish it tonight :) I'm so excited. It's so, so good. Sigh. I have been a bit exhausted, though. Medicine day was this week. And many other things I needed to do. My body feels weird. But doing my best and just trying to not focus on it too much, ha :) Still doing my small daily walks, which I'm hoping is helping. At least a little, haha. Got just a little mail this week, but loving it all. <3 So happy with how my reading is going so far :D Hope I can keep it up, haha :) This week I'm waiting on Fate Breaker :) I shared my second review of Divine Rivals. <3 Hope you are doing well :D

Ruthless Vows. Eee! First of my copies have arrived. UK hardcover. The best cover. <3 I love it so much.
Rabbids Party of Legends. This game looks all kinds of fun and I'm hoping that it will be pretty great, ha :)
Funko Pop. As I got Mary Poppins as a gift, I had to buy this Bert version too, haha :) As they are so cute.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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