
Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Review: Sparrow Rising by Jessica Khoury

It was such a joy to read this book for the second time. And I am so glad that I decided to re-read it before I finally read book two and three. Had already forgotten some parts. And, honestly, this book is just so good and I loved reading it again. Also, isn't that cover just beautiful? Eee. I fully love the covers for these books.

I will not be writing such a long review for this book this time, as I already did that last year. Will simply share a few of my thoughts about reading this book again. About how much I still love it. It is still a five star read for me. The writing was still perfection and I very much loved all of these characters created. The world too.

There is much to love about this one. And I loved every moment of it, ha. It's a world where everyone has wings. They're all from different bird clans, with the main girl being a Sparrow. And the main boy being a Crow. I found this world to be every kind of incredible. I mean, I have always dreamt of flying. Sigh. And so reading about these precious kids getting to do that was simply the best. It sounded so exciting and thrilling. I found the world that Jessica made to be all kinds of fascinating. It was also a world divided. The high clans and the low clans. And how things were so very different between them all. The high clans were all the people with the biggest wings. Certain things were so wrong in this world. I loved reading it all. Change is coming.

And I am so very excited to at last get to read the next two books in this series. I'm sure they will be epic. I cannot wait to have all my questions answered. Because this first book left a whole lot of things open. And I very much need answers, ha. But oh, how badly I adored this story. Reading about Ellie and Nox and Gussie and Twig was the best thing. They were all adorable. And they all had such great stories. So loved getting to know each of them. And I must know more. Their growing friendship was the very best.

This book is for the most part the story about Ellie. About how she dreams of becoming more than what she is supposed to be. How she wants to honor her dead parents. There is so much to know about this precious girl. And I adored her so. It broke my heart a bit, to read about how people treated her. Because she was small. Because she was a Sparrow. But she was aaamazing. I also very much disliked how her supposedly best friend treated her too. Ugh. He was the worst. And Ellie was truly the best. I loved her.

Reading about Ellie meeting Nox and Gussie and Twig was all kinds of exciting. They were so different from her. Yet they all became such great friends in a short time. And I adored that. I cannot wait to read more about them all together. Nox has such an exciting story too. And I am beyond thrilled to finally learn more about it next. Eee. Skyborn: Sparrow Rising was such a thrilling first book. Full of adventure and the best of friends. It tells such an important story. I need everyone to read this most perfect fantasy story too.

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