
Saturday, August 27, 2022

In My Mailbox #564

Whoops. I got aaaaall the mail this week. What even. So much. Too much. I love it all the most. Eee. I simply got way too much awesome. <3 I mean.. I placed more orders from Funko Europe. Oops. Help. I could not stop myself. Sigh. They have too much amazing :) Plus side, I finally read a book this week, eee. <3 Was supposed to have started book two as well, but these past few days have been craaaazy busy. Spent a couple of days out in the sun and heat. We got another final summer day. It was precious. Now back to cold. Brrr. I am eeexhausted. My body is dead. Especially after today, after having played eight hours of pokemon go event. Sigh. It was good, but not that great. Eh. Also busy with both types of animal crossing still, haha. <3 And just. Exhausted. But doing good :) Glad to be reading. So so happy with all the mail that I got. Oops. This week I'm waiting on Vampiric Vacation :D And I shared my second review of Sparrow Rising. <3 Hope you are all well :D Can't believe it is already almost September. Gosh.

The Princess and the Scoundrel. I have yet to watch Star Wars. Oops. But I love Beth :D Had to get it.
Gravebooks. Also a big fan of J.A. <3 His books are always awesome. And I'm excited for this sequel :D
This Appearing House. A new to me author :D This middle grade just looked awesome. Hope to love it.
Aurora's End. The newest UK paperback :) Of course I had to own this for my collection too, ha :D Love.
Six Crimson Cranes. Ordered this on Waterstones a while ago, it looks stunning. And sounds great too :)
Strike the Zither Swag. Eee! Thank you so much Joan :D This pre-order swag is the best. <3 So pretty.
Pop Figures. Oops. More pre-orders from popinabox have arrived :D I love them all. <3 They sent me two pandas by mistake. I do not mind at all, ha ;) SO precious. And my pokemon collection is growing. Love.
Animal Crossing. EEE! Newest mini figures :D SO cute. And oh my gosh. The hugest package of amiibo cards arrived, thanks to the very, very amazing Megan in the UK for helping me get all of these. <3 You are truly the very, very best :) Eee. I got so many. Still did not complete my collections, though. Gah. But only missing 22 cards now, from series 1-4 :) Not many left now, eee. Hoping to be able to buy even more soonish. <3 Way too obsessed :) I just love these cards THE MOST. Such a huge Animal Crossing fan :)

Funko Europe. Oh. Help. I have an obsession. I ordered two more times from Funko Europe, ahhh :D And waiting on my fifth order. Oops. That one is not so huge, though, ha :D But goddamn it. All my money has gone away. Yet I do not regret it one bit. Oops. Well. Except for that huuuuuuuge Jurassic Park pop. WHAT EVEN. I did not know it was that big, that plastic box. Whaaat. Where will I put this? Ahhhh. I do not know. Sigh. I had planned on just taking the dinosaurs out, haha. But now I don't know. Anyway. SO much awesome :D Love the Disney calendar I bought. <3 Cannot wait for December, eee :) Just. All that I got are so amazing. I love everything. Love the mystery minis that I got. Though the Jurassic one was a disappointment. Hmph. Also love the gold Disney princess ones so much. And my cola bear :D Love. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

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