
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Waiting on Wednesday #561

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The fifth novel in the bestselling Graceling Realm series is told from the point of view of Hava, Queen Bitterblue’s sister and spy, and chronicles the harrowing journey back to Monsea.

Hava sails across the sea toward Monsea with her sister, the royal entourage, and the world’s only copies of the formulas for the zilfium weapon she saved at the end of Winterkeep. During the crossing, Hava makes an unexpected discovery about one of the ship’s crew, but before she can unravel the mystery, storms drive their ship off course, wrecking them in the ice far north of the Royal Continent. The survivors must endure a harrowing trek across the ice to make it back to Monsea. And while Queen Bitterblue grapples with how to carry the responsibility of a weapon that will change the world, Hava has a few more mysteries to solve —and a decision to make about who she wants to be in the new world Bitterblue will build.

Hardcover, 624 pages
Expected publication: November 1st 2022 by Dutton Books for Young Readers
Pre-Order: Book Depository
and Amazon #ad

EEE! I am SO excited about this book :D I am such a huge fan of the Graceling books. <3 Book one is my favorite one, always. But oh, how badly I love them all. And Winterkeep was such a great new book. This second one sounds so good too. I cannot wait to get to know Hava even more :D So excited. But yeah. I very much hope it will actually have Po and Katsa in it, haha :) I miss them way too much. <3
What are you waiting for on this harrowing Wednesday?

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