
Saturday, July 23, 2022

In My Mailbox #559

Gosh. Too tired to write a long update this week. Just do not know where the time has gone. Oops. Got pretty much nothing done. I have so little energy and everything just hurts. Which sucks. I am waiting to feel better.. hopefully soon. Fingers crossed. I do want to read again. Just.. not ready yet. Ack. What I did do this week: start playing animal crossing pocket camp on my phone. Ahh. And now I can't stop playing. Doing it for hours each day. Oops. But I love it so much, so I don't mind :) It was needed, now that I feel so poorly. I did get some lovely mail, though. <3 All awesome. This week I'm waiting on Seasparrow :D

FINAL CHANCE! GIVEAWAY! Five funko pop figures. International. Ends July 27th. ENTER HERE.

The Last to Vanish. Finally a new book by Megan :D Eee! I'm excited about this one. Hope to read soon.
City of Bones. New UK collector's edition, yay :D I think it looks stunning. <3 And I had to have it, ha :D
The Scorpio Races. I know, I own all the copies, haha :D But this is the new UK edition, which I love. <3
All These Bodies. Paperback edition is out :D Of course I had to own it, ha. <3 A huge fan of Kendare :)
Pop Figure. This.. was not the version of Eve I ordered. What. Rude. Hope they'll send me the right one.
Swag. From Beth. <3 Love the tarot card and the small note about it :D It is stunning. Love her emails. <3
Nintendo Switch. Was a little sale. Bought three new games. Oops :D + A charger I can use more easily.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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