
Saturday, March 12, 2022

In My Mailbox #540

Another week gone by. And all I'm thinking about lately is how it is sooon time to take up my outdoor spa bath again, eee :D Cannot believe it's almost April. <3 I'm too excited. Just.. hoping this year I will actually be able to bathe more often. Oops. Last year was not very good and I didn't use my spa bath much at all. Gosh. So yeah. I hope this year is better to me. Fingers crossed. I'm still coughing. I'm still exhausted and still have no energy. Having had corona really fucking sucks. I hope I'm getting better. A little each day, I suppose. But can't really feel it, lol. Plus side, I read a book this week, eee. <3 Yay! And I know what I'm reading next. Just.. need to be brave enough to start, ha :) And I got some precious mail this week, eee. Love it all so very much. <3 I'm doing the best that I can. But it is hard. It is hard to be in pain all the time. Sigh. Anyway. I watched All of Us Are Dead this week. It was pretty good, but not that good. Sweet Home was way way better. I did like it, though :) I shared my review of Beasts and Beauty: Dangerous Tales. <3 This week I'm waiting on Princess of Souls :) I hope you are all doing well and staying safe these days.

LIFEL1K3 AUS ARC. Eee! Thank you so much Anisha for trading with me :D I love it so very much. <3
The Ogress and the Orphans. US and UK editions :D As both are gorgeous. I think I will love this book.
Chocobo GP. Whoops. I bought this game as it looks cute. Now I'm just hoping that it will be fun to play :)
Pop Figure. Got my exclusive Mufasa pop :D And he looks so very awesome. Eee. Big and gorgeous.
Extasia Swag. Oh. My gosh. My swag from helping reveal the cover. <3 And the most lovely note from Claire. Sobs. It truly means the most to me, eee. <3 Thank you precious. I miss talking to Claire so much.
Taylor Swift. Finally got these precious small items :D Love the guitar picks. And cutest buttons. Love :)
Mario Magnets. These were a platinum points reward from Nintendo, and I love them very much. Yess.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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