
Saturday, March 5, 2022

In My Mailbox #539

Not even sure where this past week have gone. Time is moving so fast. The world is a mess these days, which is both scary and crazy to read about. I'm still not healed from the goddamn corona I got now over two weeks ago. Damn it. I hate this. Hoping to get more well shortly. Hmph. I had to cancel the surgery I was supposed to have yesterday. Was not possible with my cough. I'm okay with that, though. As I was too nervous about this tonsils surgery anyway. Ack. This week I actually did read a book, ha :D On the final day of February, lol, so I could say I read one book in January and one in February, haha. I'm very behind on reading. Sobs. But I am planning on starting a new book very shortly. Fingers crossed for me. I got a whole bunch of mail this week. Gosh. Some gorgeous books. <3 A whole bunch of Animal Crossing cards, ahh :D SO much love. <3 I'm behind on taking instagram photos, though. I'm hoping to feel up for it soon. Sigh. My cat was really sick yesterday. She was puking all day. She is thankfully better today. <3 Two new blog posts. I shared my review of Dog Star :) This week I'm waiting on The Luminaries :) Hope you are all doing okay and staying safe. I'm hoping to heal more soon. And hoping the world will heal too.

The Subtle Knife Graphic Novel. I love these books the most. Of course needed this new edition, eee :D
Extasia. FINALLY :D My hardcovers are here, eeee. <3 Most precious book. Gosh. I loved this so much.
FunkoVerse Jaws. Ohh. These games look pretty great. Bought my first one, because of that shark, ha :)
Map of Flames. So far behind on reading books by Lisa, but I'm still buying them all, eee :D Looks great.
Elden Ring. I have no idea what this game is really about, haha, but it looked pretty cool. Hope I love it.
Funko Pop. One new pop figure this week; a superhero Stitch, eee :D He looks all kinds of adorable. <3
Animal Crossing Amiibo Cards. Oops. More Welcome Amiibo cards bought from France. Ahh! But still missing one card. Goddamn it. Some series 1 and 4 too. <3 I couldn't help but buy more of them all, ha :)
Animal Crossing Amiibo Album + Cards. AHH! Thank you so, so much Megan for helping me get all of this :D EEEE! You are truly the very best. <3 All the hugs. I got all the cards from Nintendo UK, lol. Still missing some to complete my collections. Rude. But got so many new cards too, eee. I love collecting these so much. <3 A bit obsessed, ha :) The album is gorgeous, despite missing one plastic page. Oops.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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