
Monday, October 11, 2021

Ten Years of Blogging + Giveaway

Ten years of blogging today. Gosh. How is this even possible? Feels like so much less. Time is moving too fast these days :) This past year have been pretty hard for me, to be honest. I have read so, so few books. I have done almost no catching up. And yet I feel so busy all the time. Busy with family, busy with my bad health, busy playing Animal Crossing. I have so little energy these days. Yet I am happy. And I'm pleased with what I am able to do. But oh, how badly I wish I could be reading more. There are so many books I still need to read. So many books that I still buy, all the time. I'm still blogging. I am still here. Just reading less. I still love reading, of course I do. And I want to read so badly. Just cannot make myself start anything. Which completely sucks. When I do read, I love the book so much. Hope to read more shortly :)

If you are reading this, thank you so much for following me and my blog. I still fully love blogging. And I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon. I do miss talking with people, though. Feel like I get so very few comments these days, and so few replies on twitter too. So many people are gone and not here anymore as well. I miss everyone. But so thankful to those of you that are still here, and that do still talk to me :) It means so very much to me. I have not been affected much by corona, thankfully. And I hope you are all doing well too, and staying as safe as possible. I hope the world will be back to normal soon, when it is safe. Are you guys reading the same? Would love to know more about you all and how you are doing. <3 

Giveaway details.
I have an extra signed paperback copy of The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater. So that is what I'm giving away today. It is open to everyone, everywhere. As I will be shipping it out myself. It's such a beautiful book and you are all going to love it. Photos below. Giveaway will end in four weeks.

Will be one winner.
Must reply within 48 hours.

UPDATE! The winner has been chosen and contacted and have responded. But rafflecopter refuses to show the winner, even though I have tried clicking in many times. Ugh. Winner is: Zsanett :)

 a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congratulations! And it's a awesome giveaway! Thank you for the chance.:) <3

  2. Congrats Carina!! Wishing you many more amazing years to come!
    And thank you for a generous giveaway! :)

  3. I don't have a blog. Respect to those that can upkeep one. I know it is a lot of work. Congrats on the ten years!

  4. Congrats on your 10 years! No, I don't have a blog.

  5. I had though people are reading more but maybe because I watched too many booktubers lately. I did sort of thought you have been reading a lot seeing how many books you seems to be accumulating. My reading has been up and down but I did managed to read one book a month.

    The giveaway is nice but I'm not a fan of that series. I did try to read the first book but just couldn't get past half the book but I guess I'm the wrong audience for it.

    Strange, I swore you had an anniversary just a few months ago but that may be another blogger. Ten year is a long while even if it doesn't seem so sometimes. Congratulations on ten years.

    Have a lovely day.

  6. Sounds like great reads. Congrats on 10 years!

  7. Congratulations! I think I'm finally subscribed to your blog. I hope you have many more years of sharing your love of books and reading.


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