
Saturday, October 9, 2021

In My Mailbox #518

Another week gone by, another week closer to Christmas, eee. Haha. I haven't read anything this week either. Sigh. Hopefully this coming week :) Fingers crossed that I will actually feel like reading soon. I have so many books to read. And I know I will love them a lot. I just need the energy and want to read. Hmph. This week I watched Squid Game at last. I did like it a lot, but it was not that perfect, ha. But the games were awful and I loved them. Been busy this week, and still have not done any catching up. Sigh. Soon, I hope. Plus side, wasp hive is gone and all my things are back in my attic. Hoping the queen isn't sleeping there somewhere, though. Shudders. At least she'll not be able to find food, get out of my attic or in again. Oops. Got some pretty mail this week too. My body is kind of a wreck lately, so I'm just trying to take it easy most days. Always in a bit of pain, but doing okay too :) This week I'm waiting on The School Between Winter and Fairyland. <3 I'm hoping to love it. I hope you are all doing well and staying safe :)

Beasts and Beauty: Dangerous Tales. Eee! My personalized copy has arrived. <3 And it is so precious.
Steelstriker. I couldn't not buy this sequel, oops :) I did not fully love book one, but hoping to love this.
Bluebird. I'm excited about this book, as I adore Sharon. <3 So I'm really hoping to love this book a lot.
Pop Figures. Oops. A whole bunch of new ones, again. Love the different cats, eee. Love all of them :)

More Instagram photos here. <3

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