
Saturday, November 28, 2020

In My Mailbox #473

Another week gone by. Another week closer to Christmas, eee. Though, gosh, I'm not at all ready to start doing all those advent calendar contests every day of December until Christmas. Ahh. It's always so fully exhausting. But kind of fun, and I have won something each year, I think. Always hoping to win something big, haha :) So yeah. Only a few days until that starts too. I just can't wait for Christmas. It's the best time. And loving all my Christmas decorations. So pretty. Eee. Also, I now have a small Christmas tree too. Ah. See instagram photo below :) I have read one Graphic Novel this week. Pleased about that, but yeah. No long books read. I won't make my goodreads goal of fifty this year. Sigh. But that's okay. I'm just not well enough to read as much these days. Trying my best, though. So yeah. A couple of new posts. A couple of new books too. I shared my review of Swamp Thing: Twin Branches. <3 And this week I'm waiting on Red Wolf :) I'm doing as good as possible. Got more medicine yesterday, and so far I am feeling pretty poorly. Ugh. Hope that changes fast. Hope you are all doing good and staying safe. <3 Christmas soon :)

Soulswift. Gosh. Peeking at that ending destroyed me. What even. Yet very excited to read this soon :D
The Mortal Instruments Volume Four. These graphic novels are all so gorgeous. Eee. Reading one day.

 More Instagram photos here. <3

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