
Sunday, October 11, 2020

Nine Years of Blogging + Giveaway

Hi there. I cannot believe I have been blogging for nine whole years already. My gosh. Time moves way too fast. This time I did not forget about my blog birthday, ha. But I did wait until the last day before it to put together this blog post. Oops. But I did not forget this time, at least. And this time I am actually having a giveaway too. Which I have not had for so very long. I hope you will all enter it. I have been blogging for so long now. And it is still so amazing to me. I still love reading and reviewing books. I love sharing books that I'm waiting for and books that I get in the mail each week. I so love reading comments from you guys, though those have been so few. But thank you for visiting. It means the most to me. I'm still so far behind on everything, but slowly trying to catch up. But I am here. Still blogging, still tweeting. Always reading :)

I just peeked a little on my post from last year. Where I shared about going to the Taylor Swift concert in Oslo this year. Sigh. My heart is still breaking over that. I mean, we had everything ready. Plane, tickets, hotel. And then that damn Corona arrived. And no concert for me. Which is so heartbreaking. I know, it's small, compared to what everyone else is going through. I am lucky with where I live. But I am still sad that this concert had to be cancelled. Hoping there will be another time for it. Thankfully, Taylor did then release another album. Eee. Which is perfect. Anyway. I have been doing mostly good this year. Health is still the same as always, not very good, but I'm dealing with it. And doing the best that I can. I hope you are all doing okay too. Would love to get a comment with a small update from all of you too. All the hugs.

Giveaway details.
I am giving away two pre-orders to one winner. A hardcover of Thornlight by Claire Legrand and a paperback of Foxheart by Claire Legrand. Coming out in March and April. I will pre-order both for one winner, from book depository. Open to everyone. If they do not ship to your country, I'll send you an Amazon giftcard for the same price, so you can pre-order them yourself. That way everyone can enter. Giveaway will last for three weeks. Winner to be contacted when ended and have 48 hours to reply to my email. Many ways to enter, all in the rafflecopter below. Best of luck :D I loved these two so much.

Foxheart review. Thornlight review.


Will be one winner.
Must reply within 48 hours.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats on your blogoversary! I enjoy sharing about books too, and although I don't have a blog, I always support authors by reviewing.

  2. With the world as it is, I thought people would blog more but instead, still more and more are moving over to social media. But it's still nice that people are blogging.

    9 nines is a long time in blogland. I hope you'll continue. Congrats!

    Have a lovely day.


I love getting comments. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog :)