
Saturday, September 26, 2020

In My Mailbox #464

This has been a mostly good week for me. I'm exhausted and haven't gotten much done online and such. Oops. But I did read two books. So I'm happy about that. Got a bit of lovely mail. Also currently listening to Christmas music on my radio. Oops. I want it to be Christmas already. Sigh. <3 Though we have some gorgeous fall colors outside right now :) And freezing cold. Ha. But this coming week will be warmer, so I'm excited about that. A few new blog posts this week. I shared my second review of Foxheart. <3 This week I'm waiting on Far From Normal :) And shared my review of Thornlight :D I shall do my best to do more catching up soon. Ahh. Not supposed to be so far behind on everything. Ugh. I'm doing as well as I can, though. Hope you are all doing good and staying safe. <3 Hope you're all reading amazing books :D

Maya and the Rising Dark. This book looks awesome and sounds pretty great too. I'm hoping to love it.
Far From Normal. This looks adorable and I'm hoping to love it a lot. <3 Crossing my fingers. So cute.
The Secret Commonwealth. UK paperback edition is out. Ack. I still hated this book. Sigh. But must own.
Super Mario 3D All Stars. One day I shall find time to play this awesome thing :D One day. Soonish. Ha.

 More Instagram photos here. <3

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