
Saturday, September 5, 2020

In My Mailbox #461

Another week gone by. I got medicine this week, in my own town, thankfully. Went okay :) I'm exhausted. And not feeling better yet. Ugh. But hoping I will do that soon :) One book read. And planning on starting another one tonight or tomorrow. A little bit of stunning mail. <3 Waiting on something epic this Monday. Eee. And I might have bought myself a new iPhone. Oops. More about that next week :D SO so excited. Sigh. A couple of new blog posts. <3 Shared my review of You Were Never Here. <3 And this week I'm waiting on Every Single Lie :) I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. <3 I'm as good as possible.

The Lost Book of the White. Okay, I haven't read book one yet, ahh. But so so excited for them both :D
Pop Figures. Some new Harry Potter ones. <3 Love them all. And a Shawn Mendes one, eee. So cute.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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