
Saturday, August 22, 2020

In My Mailbox #459

I have finally managed to read a book this month, haha :) Which I was so excited about, then it ended up being meh. Sigh. But hoping this means I will read more this coming week too. Fingers crossed. I do have a lot of books I need to read, ha. Starting with more eARCs :) Sharing some of my newest arc downloads below, though not all from the last week. Only two books in the mail this time, haha. But that is fully okay :) A couple of new blog posts. This week I'm waiting on Maya and the Rising Dark. <3 Shared my review of Skyhunter :) I'm doing as best as I can. Feeling all kinds of awful. Pain all over. Sigh. My sister and her kids just had a cold. And I'm preeetty sure I'm getting it too. Sigh. Don't want to. It is not Corona, as my nephew got tested. And we don't have it in my town yet. But yeah. A cold is bad enough. But despite that I'm good :) Hope you are all staying safe. <3 I need to get better at catching up. Oops. Will do more soon.

TRUEL1F3. Got my Australian paperback edition. <3 Love the different covers. Love how big it is. Eee.
Midnight Sun. Oops. I had to get the UK paperback edition too, haha :D So big. My god. Still. I love it :)

Dustborn. EEE. I am SO excited that I got approved for this beautiful thing :D Beyond thrilled to read this.
All These Warriors. AHH! SO thrilled that I got excited :D Eee. Reading my hardcover of book one shortly.
The World Between Blinks. I had to download this precious thing when I saw it. <3 Adore both authors so.
Instant Karma. Ahh! Finally got to download it, from being autoapproved, haha :D Can't wait to read this.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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