
Saturday, February 29, 2020

In My Mailbox #434

Hello. I keep waiting for my stomach to get better. It hasn't. It gets worse. And I am getting worse. And I am not approving at all. Sigh. Trying to survive this, ha. But it is hard. I managed to read two books this week, though, so yay for that. Though second review is going up tonight, after I write it, as I just finished the book. Anyway. My head is killing me. My stomach is killing me. My bumps are killing me. Not doing so well. But I'm trying. No time to catch up any, though. Sigh. Soon, I hope. I simply have no energy. Trying to do what I can when I'm able to. A couple of new blog posts. I shared my review of Some Girls Are :D And this week I'm waiting on Swamp Thing. <3 I got a little bit of mail, all precious. So yeah. I hope you are all doing okay :) I'm trying my very best. Hoping health will get better soon. Ugh. It completely sucks.

The Shadows Between Us. I'm pretty excited about this. Nervous too. Sounds so good. Hope to love it.
The Light in Hidden Places. Eee! I just finished reading this one. And it was so goddamn awesome. Sigh.
Come Find Me. I completely adored this book last year. And so of course I had to own the paperback too.
Pop figures. A couple of new ones. Had to get the Vanessa little mermaid one, ha. Fairy godmother too.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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