
Saturday, January 4, 2020

In My Mailbox #426

HAPPY NEW YEAR :D Hope you are all doing well. This holiday was all kinds of awesome for me. I have been so busy this past week. Gosh. Still daily playing Lego Harry Potter with my nephew. <3 Exhausting. But loving it. We are almost done with year 5-7 as well :D This week I finished both seasons of Dark on Netflix. A weird German tvseries. I enjoyed it so. But not sure I liked any of the characters, haha. Finished my last book of 2019. But haven't read a new book so far this year. Oops. Soon, I hope. Been very busy having had to pack up some of my things, as there must be some changes in my place until May, maybe. Uuugh. I'm exhausted and hurting all over. Hmph. But okay :) This week I shared my Best Books of 2019 :D Eee! And my review of Hollow Dolls :) This week I'm waiting on Rebel Spy. <3 Hoping for more energy.

My Plain Jane. Stunning paperback edition of this book :D I adore these Jane books. I can't wait for more.
Undying. Pretty new paperback edition :D I cannot wait for more books by these wonderful authors. <3
The Raven King. Oh gosh. Thank you so much Fountain Bookstore for this suprise personalized :'( <3
Stranger Things pop. Oops. Another pop from this series, haha. I couldn't help but get Alexei too :D Love.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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