
Saturday, October 26, 2019

In My Mailbox #416

This week have been all kinds of exhausting. Ahh. I'm trying to get things done. But it is very very slow going. Sigh. I do get a little done each day. But it is not enough. Sigh. But I'm trying. I also have not read this week, aaack. Not since I finished my re-read of The Amber Spyglass on Monday. Oops. I'm going to start re-reading La Belle Sauvage. Just have not had the energy or time yet. Hmph. Was going to read today. But got distracted sorting some of my books for hours and hours and hours. My body is currently dead, haha. But shall read tomorrow, hopefully :D I also got a whole bunch of new books in the mail this week. Ahh. Dying a little. Sigh. They are all amazing, though, haha :) Sadly only two new posts, as I'm still behind on getting my blog birthday post up. Aaack. SOON. Well, I hope. I shared my fifth review of The Amber Spyglass. <3 This week I'm waiting on Chosen Ones :D I shall try better this coming week to catch up to things. So far behind :) My spa bath has been taken down for winter. Sobs. Is it April yet? :D

The World of IT. Oops. I bought this because of that cover, ha. I had to own it; as I kind of love this clown.
Ninth House. Ahh. More editions. Oops. B&N special and intl paperback :D Both editions are gorgeous.
The Last Olympian. Working on getting all Percy Jackson graphic novels, haha. Missing a few, though.
A Conjuring of Light. I know, I have not read past book one yet, but I had to own this collectors edition :D
Queen of Air and Darkness. I have tons of copies of this book. Oops. But new US paperback :D Needed.
Dragon Curse. I am so behind on these lovely books by Lisa. But at least I own all, for when I have time.
Lady Sherlock Series. EEE! All four books, personalized by Sherry :D Thank you The Ripped Bodice. <3
Flashback. Far behind on this series too. Ahh! But I have to own all editions; now newest paperback :D
The Star Shepherd. EEE! Thank you so much MarcyKate :D I won a personalized hardcover on twitter.
Northern Lights. Ahh. Look at this gorgeous new pretty edition of this most perfect book :D I so so love it.
Taylor Swift. I had realized that I did not own physical copies of these CDs yet. Ahh. Had to have them :D
Pop Figures. Another from Harry Potter, haha. I adore Fleur. And Winnie the Pooh is so so very adorable.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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