
Thursday, July 11, 2019

Review: A Conspiracy in Belgravia by Sherry Thomas

This book is still every bit as amazing as it was the first time that I read it. I just finished my third reading of this second book. I still enjoyed it the most. The writing is incredible. The characters are all beyond exciting and lovely. This mystery is still stunning and surprising, despite the fact that I have read it twice before, haha.

I don't know how I will manage to write a third review of this one. But I will. My mind is kind of a mess, though. I simply love these characters. This historical female Sherlock Holmes series is the best. Full of mystery and excitement and longing. No romance just yet, but it's coming, and it will be the best thing. So excited.

I am still giving this precious book a four star. Although I cannot remember at all right now the reasons for why it was a four star the other two times I've reviewed this book. Because I really did love this second book a whole bunch. I adore the characters to pieces. And the mystery is good too. But yes. I missed my Lord Ingram. He was there, but so little of him. And him and Charlotte were barely together at all. But this did not make the book bad. Not at all. Because Charlotte is still the most adorable person there is. I completely loved her love of food and cakes. Love how smart she is and how good she is at what she does. I so love her conflicted feelings about Lord Ingram. Sigh. Basically, I just loved pretty much everything about this book. Always so good.

There is so much I could say about this book. But I'm not going to. Simply because I can't find the words to describe how good it was a third time, haha. But I will share a little about what I love about this world and these characters. A Conspiracy in Belgravia takes place right after the ending of A Study in Scarlet Women. We see so much more of Livia in this book. And this precious girl just hurt my heart. I want all the best for her. She meets a man. Which is all kinds of complicated. And yet I loved every moment of it.

Charlotte is still doing detective work pretending to be a Sherlock Holmes. Working with Mrs. Watson and her niece. Both whom are beyond awesome. I love reading about them both. They are so kind and sweet and fun too. And it makes my heart so happy that Charlotte gets to live with them. Sigh. And I loved how well they all work together, how they solve the mysteries together. This book is mostly focused on one big mystery. But also a few smaller ones. All of them impossible to guess the answer for. Which I truly loved.

So much is going on in this book. So many secrets come out. And it was all super exciting and thrilling to read about. Okay, I wouldn't mind to only read about Charlotte and Ash, ha, but I love every other part of this series too. Charlotte is the very best and I so adore her to pieces. I loved her complicated relationship with Lord Ingram, aka Ash. I ship them so hard. And they might never even get the happy ending I want and need for them. The happy ending that they both deserve to have together. Sigh. I want this the most.

Okay, fine, I know I have mentioned this many times before. But I still do not love Inspector Treadles. Ha. He is such a complicated man. His wife is the most adorable. But his view of the world is not very good. Okay, most men felt like him in this time period, I'm sure, but still. I wish he had been a better man. I still adored him, as always, but he annoyed me greatly too. Yet I cannot help but love reading about him and Alice. And I do have hope that he will end up changing much more in the coming books. Fingers crossed.

My review is kind of a mess. But I do not know what else to share about this precious book. I still enjoyed it so very much. And all I want to talk about is how much I loved it, haha. How precious Charlotte is. How adorable Livia is. How much I swoon for Ash. Sigh. And this setting is so very good. If you still have not read these books you are seriously missing out. Because they are so fun and awesome. And I hope that Sherry will never stop writing about these characters, as I will never stop wanting to read more of them.

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