
Monday, June 3, 2019

Review: Pacifica by Kristen Simmons

I have been meaning to read this book for so long. And now I finally made myself start it. Which I'm so happy that I did. Even though I did not completely love this book, I enjoyed it so much. And I'm so glad that I read it. It is an important story. One that I think everyone should read. It felt so real and all kinds of scary.

There was so much I liked about this book. The writing was so stunning. The story was interesting. The characters were well done. And the history behind everything was perfect. And truly heartbreaking. So real and honest. And I loved that. The author note at the beginning of the book was everything. Was so good.

And then the story alone was pretty incredible too. What I liked most about everything was how real it was. This is a story set in the future. After the earth have started to collapse on us. With all the trash humans throw in the ocean. Liked how this story spoke about that. I liked how real it felt. Heartbreaking and a little scary. But real. And important too. I don't want our future to be the one in Pacifica. This is also a story about all the differences between the rich and the poor. It hurt my heart to read about. But that, too, was so real and so well done as well. I liked how Kristen included everything in this book. I liked how well she wrote it. There was not too much, yet there was enough. And I feel like this is a book everyone should read. About what could happen to us.

This book tells the story of Ross and Marin. The rich boy and the poor girl. Living in the same city, but on different sides of it. Living completely different lives. Ross is the son of the president. Marin is a daughter of a pirate. Though she has not been with the other pirates for five years. She has not been sailing on the ocean for five years. Which means she was way softer than I thought she would be. But I didn't mind one bit. Because Marin was fierce and brave and all kinds of sweet. I adored her. I loved getting to know her.

Then there was Ross. I could not help but love him a whole lot. He is the sheltered rich boy, not knowing the truth about those that do not have everything that he does. But he grows a lot in this book. And I liked that so much. He sees so much more. He was never unkind or cruel, though, only ignorant. Which means I loved him from the very beginning. He was adorable and so sweet yet fierce too. He would do anything for his best friend, Adam. Which is what he does. He risks his life for him. He would give his life for Adam.

And that simply made me love Ross even more. His friendship with Adam was awesome. Though we do not get to see them together much, considering the book begins with Adam being arrested and Ross is trying his hardest to find him again. Which is not an easy thing. I also liked how their friendship got better as the book went on; that Ross wanted to improve on himself. This book is about Ross searching for his missing friend. Doing everything he can to find him again, after he was arrested and sent away on a ship.

Which is how he ends up with Marin. She knows where Adam was taken. And she is willing to take him there, if he pays her. Which he promises to do. And so off they go on her small ship. And I have to admit that I enjoyed reading about them together and them sailing together. This book only takes place in less than a week. But it was enough time to make me adore both characters. I loved how they were around each other. How they slowly became friends, how they learned to care for each other. It was truly sweet.

There is a lot going on in this book. It is a search for Adam. But it is also a book about wanting to make their world a better place. Their city is running out of oil. And there is so much going on because of this. Secrets and secret plots. By pretty much everyone. It was interesting to read about. There is a lot about how the poor people were being treated. Which was sad to read about and made me so very angry too. Because it is so real and it is not fair at all. I hope this world we live in ends up getting better really soon.

I have already written too much about this book. Yet not nearly enough about everything that happens in it. And I will not say much more. Just that the reason for why this is a four star for me is because while I liked the book so very much, I did not fully love it. The romance was sweet, but not exciting enough for me. I wanted a little more action from the story too. And the ending was a little bittersweet to me. Pretty much perfect, but a little sad too. This book was not perfect to me, but it was not far from it. I liked it a lot.

I also have to mention that the summary for this book that is on goodreads is completely wrong. It was so confusing to read that before reading the book, considering that is not how the story is told. At all. Hmm. Okay, a lot of it do happen, but not in the way goodreads says. And the summary in the book is different from that as well. But that one was more real at least. So I do not recommend reading what goodreads tells you about this book. Because it's wrong. This book is much better than what goodreads has to say.

Pacifica was just as amazing as I had hoped it would be. The writing was gorgeous. The characters were interesting and amazing to get to know. The romance was small but cute. There was no drama. This was simply such an incredible book. I have been a fan of Kristen for years now. And I cannot wait to read even more books by her. She is also so kind and sweet. If you are not reading her books yet you are seriously missing out. They are all different from each other and all good and all important. You must read Pacifica.

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