
Saturday, June 1, 2019

In My Mailbox #395

I have been the worst at catching up this week. Ugh. Behind on emails, tweets, comments, blogging. Just, everything. But I want to catch up. So very much. Just no time and no energy and gah. My health keeps finding new ways of sucking. So rude. But I'm dealing with it. And trying to do a little at a time. I'm currently reading a book, halfway done. But it's going so slow. Ahh. But I know what I am reading after it too, so hopefully getting more read this coming week :D Just so busy with family and everything. Which I do love. Just, no time or energy for anything else. Rude. Anyway. I only posted once this week. So rude. This week I'm waiting on Sea Witch Rising. <3 I got a little bit of mail, which I love so very much, eee :D I'm waiting on more. Which makes me so excited. Hoping to catch up soon. Hope you're all doing great :)

Kingsbane. Eee! My gorgeous personalized copy from Books of Wonder :D I love it so. And swag! Ahh!
Aurora Rising. The gorgeous AUS edition of this book. <3 A little bit beat up, ack, but so big and stunning.
The Blood Spell. AHH! Thank you so much Anna for trading with me :D I'm dying. Collection is complete.
Gendry Pop. I could not resist buying this Game of Thrones pop, haha. I do not own many of them, ack :)

Immunity. Oh my gosh. I am SO excited :D EEEE! I got accepted for the blog tour for this lovely thing. <3 To post a review in July. Ahh. And then I got sent an eARC of it :D Eeee! I adored Contagion. And I will be re-reading it next then reading this one. I'm way too excited about this. Sigh. So happy. I cannot wait.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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