
Saturday, June 15, 2019

In My Mailbox #397

This week have been pretty exhausting. Oops. But good too. I have read two books; though not sharing my review of Immunity until next month :) I got a bunch of gorgeous books in the mail this week. Ack. And waiting on even more special things. Eee. I got some amazing eARCs which I am super happy about. <3 Been spending a lot of time with family, as always. It's exhausting, but good. Still behind on every kind of catching up. Ahh. But working on it. Sort of. Maybe. Soon. Just waiting for summer to arrive :) It's so cold. The sun is hot, but the wind is freezing. Brr. My spa bath is super hot, though, and always perfect. Sigh. I blogged a little this week too :D I shared the cover reveals for The Secret Commonwealth, eee! <3 This week I'm waiting on Into the Crooked Place :) And shared my review of Serpent & Dove :D I am so so far behind on my reading goal for this year. Ahh. Have had so little time and energy to read for months now. But I'm hoping it's getting better. And hoping to make my goal :) I hope that you are all doing great too :D

Ghosts of the Shadow Market. Oops. All the copies. Three different ones :D Excited about these stories.
Kingsbane. Regular hardcover edition has arrived, haha. I loved this precious book so much. <3 Pretty.
Shadow & Flame. So excited to read this second and final book :D I think it will be all kinds of amazing.
Little Do We Know. I didn't get to buy the hardcover, ack, so had to get the paperback :D Excited to read.
The Book of Dust. Eee. It's finally out in paperback :D And it looks so gorgeous. Sigh. I loved this book.
Contagion. Love this new US paperback edition. <3 This book was so perfect. I must have all the copies.
The Safest Lies. I couldn't help but buy this new UK paperback edition :D This book was soso awesome.
Detective Pikachu. I could not resist buying a few books from this most adorable movie. Oops. So cute :)
Funko Pop. My final of the new How To Train Your Dragon 3 pops arrived :D And she looks so gorgeous.

The Art of Theft. EEE! Thank you Berkley for letting me read it early via Netgalley. <3 Gosh. SO excited.
Into the Crooked Place. Ahh! Auto-approved on Netgalley. <3 Gosh. Nervous. Cannot wait to read this :D
The Oddmire: Changeling. I will be taking part in this blog tour next month :D So excited about reading it.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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