
Saturday, May 25, 2019

In My Mailbox #394

How is it another week gone by already? I'm so exhausted and so busy and have no time for anything. What even. But I just got more medicine this week, and hoping it will maybe finally make me feel better. Though I think it just makes me worse and that I have to stop taking it soon. Sigh. I hope not. But yeah. Not doing so well. But I'm happy. And dealing with it. Sort of. Hoping that I will have more time to read, though. I have so many books I still have to read. Ack. Just need more energy for it. So far I have none. Ha. But yeah. I got some gorgeous mail this week, which I love so very much :D And waiting on more stunning things too. <3 Gosh. I'm so excited. Only a couple of new blog posts. This week I'm waiting on The Shadows Between Us :) And I took part in the blog tour for The Pumpkin War. <3 Which is the only book I read this week. Ack. I'm so very behind on every single thing. But I am hoping to catch up soon :)

We Hunt the Flame. Ah, this hardcover is all kinds of gorgeous. Yay! And eee, I got the special gold one.
Aurora Rising. International paperback edition has arrived :D And it looks so stunning. Ugh. I loved this.
The Dog. Ahh. Look how awesome he is :D So much love! He is my third version of this dog, haha. Love.
Morgul Blade. My third letter opener. And gosh. It is just so gorgeous. I had to have it. So glad I bought it.
Pop Figures. Eee. All of these are so awesome and I just had to have them all :D New Alien ones. Love.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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