
Saturday, April 6, 2019

In My Mailbox #387

Eee! Baby nephew was born this morning :D I'm now an aunt to three cuties. <3 And ahh, this little boy is all kinds of adorable and perfect. Though my life will now get even more busy. Ack. But I'm excited about it too; as my family is important to me :) So anyway. This past week have gone by so fast. I had my head shaved again yesterday, and now it's shorter than it have ever been before. Ack. But I love it. Love having it so short. But my god, this week have been hard for me. I'm exhausted. All the goddamn time. All I want to do is sleep. And so I do sleep a lot. Not as much as I want to, but still a lot. Sigh. So little getting done. I started my eARC of We Hunt the Flame days ago. Only gotten to read about an hour each day, so only halfway done now. Ahh. Hoping to finish it in a few days. Fingers crossed. I do want to read. But I am so not awake enough for it. Which sucks. But yeah. More medicine again this coming week. So hoping it will finally make me less exhausted. But I doubt it. Rude. Anyway. I got a bunch of stunning books in the mail this week, eee :D I love them all so much. <3 Sigh. Soso very happy. And blogged a little too. I shared the cover for Wayward Son :D I posted my review of Some Kind of Happiness. <3 This week I am waiting on Kingdom of Souls :) And I shared the cover of Ninth House, eee. <3 I hope you are all doing okay :) I will be spending these upcoming days with my sister and her children. And hopefully finishing my book in the evenings. It's hard to focus, sadly. But I want to read, so much. I'm crossing my fingers I will manage it :)

A Crystal of Time. Eee! All the copies. B&N exclusive. Personalized hardcover. International paperback. All very perfect. <3 Thank you Soman and Changing Hands for my personalized one :D Eee. Love it so.
One Dark Throne. Stunning US paperback edition is finally out, eee :D I love this series tons. My gosh.
Sky in the Deep. Eee! US paperback and UK paperback too :D Though my UK one has damage. Sobs.
Swag + Pops. Eee. Most stunning tote bag with my book :D Love it so. And Through the White Wood pre-order swag, which is just stunning :D And a few pop figures I have waited ages for, haha. Fully adorable.
Through the White Wood + Sherwood + Sawkill Girls. EEE! Thank you Daphne for this amazing trade :D Gosh. I am so in love with all three ARCs. They are just soso perfect looking and I had to have them. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

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