
Saturday, March 23, 2019

In My Mailbox #385

I mean, seriously. It was Saturday just yesterday, wasn't it? Ugh. Time is moving so fast, and I am still so behind, and my new baby nephew can be arriving any day now, and I will be even more behind then, and gosh. I'm doing good though. Mostly. This week have been so stressful to me. Currently have a fever, and have had one often this week. I did not read much, as I finished my latest read on Sunday. But I started a book yesterday evening, and finished it the same day. So yess for that. And now I have even more books to read and gosh. Not sure yet what I want to read next. But I think it will be Song of the Crimson Flower, eee. As I peeked at the ending, and now I want to read it, haha. so anyway. I got so so so much mail this week. Ahh. I'm dying a little. Some gorgeous swag. Most awesome package from a sweet friend. All of it perfect. So yeah. I'm exhausted and feverish but still here. Ha. And trying my best to get things done. A few new posts. I shared my review of Four Dead Queens, a book I hated. Gosh. This week I'm waiting on Shadow & Flame. <3 Shared my review of The Last House Guest today :D Eee. Hope you are all well :)

Courting Darkness + Dark Triumph. Eee! Thank you Robin and Blue Willow :D Personalized. <3 Love.
Sherwood. Stunning hardcover edition :D This book was a little meh for me, but had to own it even so :)
Courting Darkness Swag. Ahh :D Arrived with my personalized books. I love these cards very much. <3
Descendant of the Crane Swag. Eee! Thank you Joan for this most precious pre-order swag :D I love it.
A Crystal of Time + Seraphina + Graceling + These Rebel Waves + Slayer + Britney Spears. Oh. Oh my gosh. All of this I got in a package from Alyssa :D AHH! Thank you the most lovely :D You are the best. Hugs. First book I bought from Target, and she helped me get it. The next two were editions I could not buy online, and Alyssa got for me. I am so happy. And two trade ARCs :D And Britney target pop. Love.
Sky in the Deep. AHH! The UK ARC :D Thank you so much Lydia for trading with me. <3 I am so happy.
How To Train Your Dragon 3. Couldn't resist getting this gorgeous CD too :D I still need the movie. Sobs.
Wildcard + Flashback + Renegades Swag. Eee! All pre-order swag :D All with help from Alyssa. <3 My precious. You are amazing girl. Thank you so so much. I love all this gorgeous swag beyond words. Eee.

The Last House Guest. Ahh! Read it already :D So happy to have gotten accepted on Edelweiss for this.
Song of the Crimson Flower + The Fountains of Silence. And oh my gosh. The day after I got accepted for the first book, these showed up on Edelweiss with a lot of other Simon & Schuster book. And I'm now auto-approved for them all. What. That's new. And I'm so excited and thankful :D Can't wait to read these.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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