
Saturday, March 9, 2019

In My Mailbox #383

Hi. My heart is dying a little. I got the most perfect books in the mail this week, and ahh. I am so happy, eee :D It is perfect. <3 Feeling so thankful and grateful at the moment. And so lucky. Sigh. I haven't done much this week, but I have taken a lot of bookish pictures for instagram, haha :) Which I love. I had totally planned on reading more this week. That did not happen. Oops. Simply have had no energy at all or time. Sigh. And did not really want to read anything after Kingsbane, haha. But. I did manage to read one book, so yay for that. So far behind on reading, though. I will be reading much more, shortly. Still so tired all the time, though, which is the worst, so hoping that will pass. Hmph. And so, once more, only two blog posts this week. This week I'm waiting on Call Down the Hawk :D And I shared my review of Descendant of the Crane. <3 Despite being beyond exhausted, I had a pretty great week. I'm currently trading for the most amazing books that I cannot wait to get, ahh. And I got the most perfect books in the mail this week. My god. I AM SO HAPPY. Eee :D It is all perfect. <3 This week have been pretty exhausting, but good too :)

Warrior of the Wild. While I did not love this book, I had to own it. It is so gorgeous. I love looking at it :)
Odd & True. Eee, US paperback is finally out :D And it is so very stunning. I adored this story so much.
The Raven's Tale. AHH! Thank you Abrams for this most perfect ARC :D I am dying. I love it so so much.
Kingsbane. OH MY GOSH! AHH! Thank you so so much to a special person for sending me this one. Oh.
The Priory of the Orange Tree. This is huge. Oh. But I had to buy it, because of it being so big, hahaha :)
Chrysalis. I own ARCs of book one and two. Ack. So I had to buy this third one, so I can read all together.
The Blood Spell + The Traitor Prince. Thank you to Parnassus and CJ for my personalized perfections :D
Swag. Some gorgeous samplers and two stunning bookmarks :D I love them all. Thank you Natasha. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Such a great haul Carina! I still need to get a copy of The Priory of the Orange Tree! Happy reading :)

  2. Wow! Can't get over all the awesome stuff you got in the mail. Yay! You must be so excited. Love the picture at the end. What a fluffy kitty. :)


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