
Saturday, February 9, 2019

In My Mailbox #379

I got the most stunning book in the mail this week. EEE. And a whole bunch of other lovely things, haha :D All of it so perfect. <3 And I read such a great book too. Eee. And starting my new one later today :D SO excited. But also a bit sad this week, as it is another week I do not have Kingsbane. Sigh. And I have to turn in my laptop on Monday for another service. Ahh. Will take about three weeks. I'm not sure how I will survive with the old one I have. It's the worst. Ugh. But I will make it. Probably. Only a couple of blog posts this week, as I have not done much reading or much of anything else, lol. This week I'm waiting on When She Reigns :) I shared my review of House of Salt and Sorrows, eee. <3 I still have much catching up to do. But I am working on it. And slowly getting things done. This week was exhausting but good too. Reading Aurora Rising next, and I'm so nervous and so excited and so thankful and my god. I can't wait. 

ARC of Song for a Whale Giveaway. International. Ends 02/14.

King of Scars. First copies have arrived :D UK and US hardcovers. They are both very gorgeous. Love.
Courting Darkness. Eee, first hardcover :D And it is huge. And gorgeous. And soft. And I love it the most.
Wires and Nerve 1&2. Such stunning paperbacks. These graphic novels were beyond good. Loved them.
The Severed Moon. Eee, this journal is so very stunning :D And tiny. And just so gorgeous. I love it tons.
The Cerulean. This book was pretty good, good enough for me to want a pretty hardcover of it, haha :)
The Unwanteds. Another new book by Lisa :D I am so behind on them, ahh. Will read them soonish. <3
The Deceivers. Eee, this book was so good. And the hardcover of it is so very pretty. You need this book.
Aurora Rising. OH MY GOD. Thank you the very most to the publisher, Rock the Boat, for this truly most gorgeous UK ARC :D Ahhh! I am dying. And beyond excited. And so thankful. Cannot wait to read it. Eee.
Beyond a Darkened Shore. Thank you Julia for trading with me :D Love the swag and the special edition.
A Room Away From the Wolves + The Darkdeep. Thank you to Kristin for trading :D I love these ARCs.
Daughter of Dusk. Eee! Thank you soso much Skye for trading with me :D Last ARC I needed. <3 Love.
How To Train Your Dragon 3. More of these gorgeous books, haha :D But oh, how I need this movie too.
Pop Figures. Eee, special Aragorn :D Love. And a bunch of Moana. They are all so very precious to me.
The Deceivers Swag. Eee, thank you Kristen :D This stunning swag from the book is so very awesome.

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. Excuse my while I swoon at ALL THE PRETTIES YOU GOT. Swoon, swoon, swoon.


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