
Saturday, November 24, 2018

In My Mailbox #368

How is it already Saturday again? Gah. It is almost December. And I had promised myself I would be all caught up before then. Hahahaha. Yeah. I'm not sure that will happen, haha. Oh, well. I shall try my best. Haven't done much this week, though. More medicine on Wednesday, grandma's birthday on Thursday, then Black Friday yesterday. Always so busy and no time to read these last few days either. Aaack. But I did read a picture book this week, and an eARC too :D So yay for that. And I have the biggest reading list right now, ahh. Excited about all the books :D Just need the time too. Hmph. A few blog posts this week. Not that many, but still :) I shared my review of Pippin No Lickin' :) Then shared my review of White Stag :D And this week I'm waiting on Undying. <3 I also got some most stunning mail this week. EEE! I love it so so so very much. Sigh. All is perfection. So so happy and grateful and dying a little too. Sigh. So happy :D Also, still waiting on my Archenemies print copies. Uuugh. Book Depository sucks these days. Ruude. But still. So in love with what I got this week, eee :D Just wishing the days were longer, and my body was less exhausted. Because I have so so much reading I need to do. First: re-read Shadow Weaver. Then I'll read Comet Rising. Then re-read the Grave Mercy trilogy. Then read Courting Darkness. Eeee. I am very excited about all of them. <3 Just hoping it won't take me forever to get started, haha :) Also, I have had so so so few comments lately. And it's breaking my heart a little. Because I still have the same amount of pageviews. Hmm. So, please, if you do visit, consider leaving a comment :) It would truly make my day.

La Belle Sauvage. A "cheaper" version from Waterstones that I had to have too, haha :D It is so beautiful.
Rosemarked. Stunning paperback version :D I adore Livia, and must have all of her books. <3 So lovely.
Grim Lovelies + Grave Mercy. EEE! Ordered these two personalized from Parnassus books :D Thank you all so so very much. <3 And all the swag. Love my signed copies so so much. Adore both authors, eee :D
Courting Darkness. Oh my gosh. I AM DYING! When I got this package from HMH Teen this week I pretty much died. And am still not living. Thank you so so much. Gosh. SO SO HAPPY. And the pin! Ahh! Love! Means the most to me to have this precious ARC. <3 I am beyond excited to read this very soon, eee :D
The Steel Prince 2. Second comic book by Victoria :D Love! I had both editions pre-ordered. <3 So pretty.

Descendant of the Crane. Eee! I have wanted to read this one for a while now. And when I saw it on Edelweiss, I had to request it right away. Thrilled to have gotten approved for it too, so fast :D Hoping to read it soonish. Look awesome. Hoping I will love it tons. Have you read it yet? I'm so excited to read it soon :D

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Lots of red and black covers! Always funny to see patterns in book covers.

  2. Descendant of the Crane is a pretty cover. Have fun with your Grandma's birthday! :)


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