
Friday, August 10, 2018

Review: The Blood Spell by C. J. Redwine

I knew I would end up loving this book. And I'm so thrilled to say that I was completely right. This new fantasy fairytale retelling by CJ is based on Cinderella. And it is written so well. It was such a stunning story. And I adored these two characters beyond words. There was not a single thing about this book I did not love. Sigh.

This book tells the story of Blue and Kellan. It's written from both point of views, which I loved so. Writing was stunning, as always with books by CJ. This story was all kinds of heartbreaking and stunning and so much fun too. I loved reading every moment of this book. Five stars. I have very much to share, but no spoilers.

I don't know where to even begin. My mind feels blank. Probably because of how very awesome this book was. And trying to write down all that I love about it will not be easy. Because there was a lot. But I will try my very best to convince you all why you need to read this precious book when it comes out months from now. It is worth all heartbreak. This is the story of two amazing characters. Blue and Kellan. About how they slowly start to be friends, after having known each other since they were little. It tells the story of Kellan having to become king, and all he has to deal with because of that. It tells a story of grief. And how Blue is dealing with it. Both beautiful and heartbreaking to read about. This book is sad. Yet full of hope. And friendship. Then something more.

There is so much that I adore about both Blue and Kellan. They have known each other since childhood. Their fathers were best friends. Kellan got into all kinds of trouble as a child. And Blue always told on him. They were not really friends back then. Kellan has also been to a school far away for years, only home in the summers. Now he is finally back home for good. But he is also about to become king. And he has to choose a bride from one of the head families. There was a whole lot of expectations for Kellan. Poor boy.

But he deals with all of it so well. Sure, he was a pretty wild boy for years. But he knows what he must do, and he will do it. He cares deeply for his family. His mother, the queen, was all kinds of awesome. I loved reading about her. His little sister, Nessa, was super adorable. She speaks with sign language, which is personal for this author, and I loved that beyond words. Their sibling relationship was the very best thing. Although Kellan has the very best family, he is also so broken. Because of his father's death years back.

Then there was Blue. I loved this girl so so very much. She lost her mother when she was four years old, and she is still traumatized by it. Because it was pretty brutal and heartbreaking. This girl is broken. Yet all kinds of strong and loving and so very kind. She wants to help everyone. And I so loved that about her. She goes through so much in this book, with the death of her father as well, and she handles it all so well. I adored Blue. Her grandmother was also amazing. Blue has the most precious cat. So beyond adorable.

There is also magic in this book. Which Blue has. Though that has to be kept hidden, because witches in this town gets killed if discovered. The reason for why magic is not allowed in this town was pretty good, though. There is a history. Of a blood wraith. And it was creepy and scary and I loved every moment of it. It is history but also present. And reading about all of it was so much fun. Yet also pretty awful. I loved all the twists and surprises. Getting to know more about this huge world is always the best. Very well written.

There is so much happening in this book. I will not mention most of it. Only a few parts that I loved. In the beginning of the book we get to know Blue and her father. And their small but happy life living together at a farm house. They are both alchemists and own a shop. I loved reading about all of that, the spells they could create and such. But oh, it was heartbreaking to get to know Blue's father for so long. Because like the summary mentions, he ends up getting killed. And having gotten to know him first made it hurt more.

This story is about Blue having to deal with her father's death. And then having to deal with this unknown woman and her two daughters moving into her house and taking over her whole life. It was all so so very complicated. Yet written so well. But gosh, this woman. Dinah. There is a lot of point of view from her too. I could not fully decide if I completely hated her or felt sorry for her as well. Probably both. We learn a lot about her. But the way she treats Blue in this book was completely not okay at all. Hmph. Did not like her.

This book also tells the story of Blue and Kellan. How they start hanging out again, this time starting to become real friends. Maybe something more. But she is no one important. And he is a prince. It cannot be. Yet that does not stop them from spending time together. And slowly growing to care more for each other. They help each other with grieving. And I loved that so very much. Ahh. I loved reading about their growing friendship. It was the very best. They were just adorable together. And I shipped them so much.

So much happens in this book. And I have not even told most of it. There is a villain. There are children going missing. And all of it was so incredible to read about. I simply loved this story and this world. And I love how all the books is set in the same world, around the same time. Getting to know Blue and Kellan and their story was the very best. I love them to pieces. I have not said much about this book at all. Just that I loved it beyond words. So good. And you all need to read this book too, in February. Do not miss it.

Getting to read this lovely six months before it is published just about killed me. So thrilled to have gotten the chance to read The Blood Spell so very early. Huge thank you to the publisher, Balzer + Bray, for the auto-approval on Edelweiss. Shall have to hunt down the print ARC too, to complete my collection by this very awesome author. But gosh, how I'm happy to have gotten to read it. The Blood Spell was everything I wished it would be. And so much more. Stunning world, amazing characters, such a heartbreaking plot.


1 comment:

  1. AHH I'm so glad you loved this one. I still haven't read anything by C.J. but it's something I intend to fix at some point haha.

    Great review!

    ~Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles


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