
Saturday, August 11, 2018

In My Mailbox #353

Gosh. This week have been busy. Been out eating a bunch, which has been the best, eee. But also still so so very exhausted all the time, which sucks. So I'm still forever behind on everything. Sigh. And only managed to read one book this week. But it was The Blood Spell; so I am still very happy, haha :D And oh gosh. I did not get ANY books in the mail this week! WHAT! How very very rude. Only thing I got in the mail was a CD. And bought lego from a local store. <3 Oh, well. Still some mail, just not books, haha :) But some pre-orders arriving next week, most likely. Hoping to be able to read more shortly. Also! HELP. Does any of you use Firefox right now? Because I do. For days my site will not load fully; the side items never show up. It works on Edge. But I only use Firefox. Ahhh. Does anyone else who use Firefox see all of my blog? Please reply, I am dying to know if the issue is only with me. Ack. Anyway. A few posts this week. But not many; only two. <3 This week I'm waiting on The Deceivers :) I shared my review of The Blood Spell, eee. <3 Despite this week being busy and exhausting, it was also good. So I'm happy about that. ALSO! Final chance to enter the two international giveaways I'm hosting below! Please do enter; as I'm sending the prizes myself :) Best of luck, if you do enter. Hope you are all doing the very very best. <3
Update about Firefox: Laura told me she had no issues; I figured the issue must be mine. Tried the whole Refresh Firefox thingy, and it actually worked, haha. So now my blog is back to being visible for me :D

Finished copy of The Glittering Court. International. Ends 08/17. LAST CHANCE!
The Adventures of Phatty and Payaso Finished Copy.
International. Ends 08/14.

Lego. Ahh. My newest bought lego :D The Harry Potter ones are so very awesome. Love all of them so.
Mamma Mia 2 Soundtrack. Eee. Been listening on repeat on my laptop for weeks now. Love these songs.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Ooh. The Legos look so fun! I use Firefox and your blog looks fine to me. Your sidebar shows from your About Me all the way down to number of page views.

  2. My last name is Olsen aswell pahahah x


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