
Saturday, August 4, 2018

In My Mailbox #352

Gosh, I have read a lot this week. Four books read and reviewed. Eee! It's the most I have read in forever and ever, haha. I feel so happy about it :D And ahh! Edelweiss uploaded three of my most wanted Harper ARCs! I got them. I am dying. Will be starting the first in a few days. Nervous yet beyond excited. A few new blog posts this week :) Posted my preview review of Give the Dark My Love :D This week I'm waiting on The Waning Age. <3 Posted my second review of A Study in Scarlet Women :D My second review of A Conspiracy in Belgravia. <3 Then my review of The Hollow of Fear :D Eee. So so good. I had the best reading week. And got some gorgeous mail too. My body is all kinds of exhausted, but I'm doing good. Or as good as possible, at least :) I love blogging the most. But I'm feeling pretty heartbroken about it lately, to be honest. I still get the same amount of page views. But I am getting zero comments on all my posts. Which is breaking my heart a little. Sigh. Please, if you have a second, leave a comment? It would mean so much to me. <3 And it would mean the world to me if you would all enter the two giveaways below :D

Sea Witch. This hardcover is so gorgeous. I'm nervous about this book, yet I hope that I will love it tons.
Contagion. Eee, finally got the hardcover :D Loved this book. It is such a stunning one. Love this cover.
LIFEL1K3. Ahh, UK paperback edition :D It is all kinds of lovely. And different. I very much love this cover.
The Golden Compass ARC. Ahh! Thank you so much for trading with me Kelly :D It is a bit beat up, which is a little heartbreaking, but I am still so thrilled to at least own this precious thing. Love this book so. <3
LIFEL1K3 Swag. EEE! Thank you so much Alyssa for helping me get this pre-order swag :D I love it so.
Pop Figures. Three of the newest Harry Potter ones :D Aren't they just stunning? Love. More coming too.

The Blood Spell. I am so in love with these fairytale retellings. And thrilled to have this one finally, eee.
Through the White Wood. Ahh! I very much enjoyed Beyond a Darkened Shore. Can't wait to read this :D
Sherwood. EEE! I loved Hunted so very much. And this new book by Meagan seems so good. Can't wait.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Curious about Contagion but I've not had a good experience with Erin Bowman's books in the past yet. Have you read it already?

    It's awesome when you get a good reading and blogging week. Still looking for my mojo. Lol.

    Have a great week, C!


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