
Saturday, June 2, 2018

In My Mailbox #343

Didn't I just write this post yesterday? Ahh. Time is moving so fast these days. I blame my shitty health. But getting a new medicine next week, and eee, I do have higher hopes that this one will work. Fingers crossed for me. I have not had any time to read, sadly. I read fifty pages two days ago, and will read lots more from the book today. But yeah. No energy, so no time either. But I'm hoping I will start getting better. Sigh. Despite not reading, I did have a few blog posts this week :) I shared the cover for Undying. <3 And this week I'm waiting on Imprison the Sky :D And I shared the cover for A Crystal of Time, eee. <3 All the posts had new covers, haha. And they are all gorgeous. Gosh, I cannot wait to read all those three books. I also got some very lovely mail this week, eee. Lots of stunning books :D Love them all so so much. <3 So yeah. Time moving fast, health even worse, as I now have a cold too. Ugh. But I'm dealing with it all. Probably. Have been doing better at catching up. Still feeling a little sad that I'm getting so few comments on my posts, though, aw. Many posts not getting comments at all. Heartbreak. But I suppose everyone is just busy :) Though I still get the same amount of views, hmph. Hoping I will be able to read lots soon :D

LIFEL1K3. Eee, finished copies :D AUS paperback, US hardcover and Intl paperback. I loved this book.
The School for Good and Evil. Ahh! Special collectors edition paperback :D I had to buy two, haha. Love.
Onyx & Ivory. This took forever to arrive. How rude. But it is here, and it is gorgeous :D Loved this one.
Aftermath. I'm so excited to read this one soonish. Seems great and heartbreaking. Hoping I will love it.
Rebel of the Sands. EEE! Thank you Rachael for this amazing trade :D Love this UK ARC so very much.
City of Bones. Such a tiny paperback, haha :D Couldn't resist buying this new US version. It's awesome.
Plushes. Eee! I found a smaller octopus plush :D So cute. Had to get two colors of it, haha. Love them so.
Pop Figures. This Pennywise pop is all kinds of scary. I love it. More for my Stranger Things collection :)
Onyx & Ivory Swag. EEE! The most awesome pre-order swag :D I love it so. Thank you so much Mindee.
Bookmarks. My first order from Idle Stuff. Heart of Iron and Mal & Alina :D They are so so very adorable.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I loveeee that Pennywise Pop!

  2. Awesome haul. I love the picture of your cat enjoying themselves. Hope you love all of them.


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