
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Beauty That Remains Blog Tour: Review

I'm so excited to be taking part in the international blog tour for The Beauty That Remains by Ashley Woodfolk. I read this book on Monday, and I enjoyed it beyond words. It was such a stunning book and I'm so glad I had the chance to read it. Today I'm sharing my four star review of this book, and sharing a little bit about it too :D I hope you will all read this book as well. Because it was simply gorgeous. Huge thank you to Penguin Random House International for letting me take part in this amazing international blog tour. And for sending me a free copy of the international paperback of the book to read and review. I'm so glad I got the chance to read this book. Because it meant a whole lot to me. Liked it so much. <3

To be completely honest, I was not sure if I would enjoy this book or not. Because this genre is truly not for me at all. Most times. But when I got invited to take part in the blog tour, I decided to give this book a try. Because that cover is all kinds of stunning. And this book sounded heartbreaking and interesting too, and I had hopes that it would be for me. And I'm so thrilled to say that I enjoyed this book a whole bunch. Eee. It is a four star for me, and there wasn't a single thing about it that I hated. I'm happy about all of it.

This is a story about grief. Told from three different point of views, all three teenagers. They have all lost someone close to them. Autumn lost her best friend. Logan lost his ex-boyfriend. Shay lost her twin sister. They are all dealing with these deaths in different ways, and oh, how I loved reading about them. Getting to know these characters was simply the best thing. Their chapters are written in some different ways. I liked that a lot. I very much loved the writing in this book. Felt that it was done so well. Loved the writing.

I must admit to having loved some of these characters more than others. Going to share why I loved them all. But first going to talk a little bit about this book. I am so happy that I read it, because it broke my heart in a way. Yet healed it too. I have not lost anyone, but even so my heart broke very much for these lovely characters. Music is a bit part in this book, and I loved that too. I loved how they were connected because of some music. I wish that the ending of this book had been a little bit longer, but I also loved the ending.

First to talk about Autumn. I loved this girl most of everyone. She lost her best friend a few weeks ago, and she is not doing well. She spent all her time with Tavia. Not having her anymore hurts her so much. And oh, how I loved reading about Autumn. Getting to know her was the best; I adored her so much. And wanted her to heal so badly. She also sorts of have feeling for Tavia's brother, Dante. Reading about that slow burn romance killed me a little. Full of grief and blame yet completely sweet and honest too. Loved.

Then there was Logan. I must admit to never loving this boy. I think maybe he was too extreme for me. With the drinking and smoking and cursing all the time. My heart broke for him, of course, because he was grieving a whole lot. But I also did not care too much. Ugh. He lost his ex-boyfriend. They had been together for nine months, but had broken up for six. Logan still loved him, though. But gosh. Bram was a horrible person. And every new thing I learned about him made me dislike him more. I could not help it.

And finally, Shay. I loved this girl so much. Almost as much as I loved Autumn. This sweet person lost her twin sister. Sasha had cancer, and had been sick for the past five years. Shay is not dealing well with her death. She's having panic attacks so often, and it broke my heart. I adored getting to know her. She has some amazing friends around her, like Rohan. I loved him. And her almost-boyfriend, Jerome. I shipped them so much and they were so cute together. But yeah, the story of Shay was the saddest of the stories.

I simply loved reading this book. And getting to know all of these characters made my heart both happy and hurt at the same time. I just loved them so. Ahh. I wish there was more about them all. I want them all to be happy and loved and gosh, I adored them so. They each had different ways of dealing with the grief of losing a loved one. And all their ways were good and sad and so interesting to read about too. There is also a music plot in this book, but I'm not going to talk about that. Loved it, though. It was written so well.

I think that The Beauty That Remains is a book that everyone should read. It's important and sad and just beautiful. I'm so glad that I read this book. I felt connected with it at all times, and getting to know all these characters was the best thing. This book surprised me with how much I adored it, and it was just the most awesome thing. Huge thank you to PRH International for sending me a free copy of this book to read and review for the blog tour. I'm thrilled that I decided to give this book a try, and that I ended up loving it a lot.

Music brought Autumn, Shay, and Logan together. Death wants to tear them apart.

Autumn always knew exactly who she was—a talented artist and a loyal friend. Shay was defined by two things: her bond with her twin sister, Sasha, and her love of music. And Logan always turned to writing love songs when his love life was a little less than perfect.

But when tragedy strikes each of them, somehow music is no longer enough. Now Logan can’t stop watching vlogs of his dead ex-boyfriend. Shay is a music blogger struggling to keep it together. And Autumn sends messages that she knows can never be answered.

Despite the odds, one band's music will reunite them and prove that after grief, beauty thrives in the people left behind.

The Beauty That Remains is published by Delacorte Press. International ISBN: 9780525578284.

Ashley Woodfolk has loved reading and writing for as long as she can remember. She graduated from Rutgers University with a Bachelor of Arts in English and currently works in children’s book publishing. She writes from a sunny Brooklyn apartment where she lives with her cute husband and her cuter dog. The Beauty That Remains is her debut novel. Follow her on Twitter at @AshWrites.

Where to find Ashley Woodfolk:

Blog Tour Schedule.

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Kevin Loh
Rafael Ray


  1. I've seen this book popping up here and there, I'm glad you enjoyed it! It sounds very character driven which is my preference.

    Great review!
    ~Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  2. This sounds like a really emotional read, Carina! Wonderful that you enjoyed it! I'd have to get my box of Kleenex ready to tackle this. Wonderful review! :)


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