
Friday, January 12, 2018

Review: Reign the Earth by A. C. Gaughen

This book was all kinds of fantastic. I had hopes that I would love it, but I never imagined that I would love it as much as I ended up doing. Oh, this book was so good. Also all kinds of heartbreaking and evil. Yet so perfect. I loved every moment of it. And I am now dying for the second one. Wait will be long. But worth it, I'm sure.

Giving this book five stars. Because I could not stop reading this amazing book. Everything about it was thrilling. There were parts that I thought would be an issue for me, but it wasn't, not really. It was only heartbreaking. Yet written so good, that I could not help but love every moment of this story. Have much to share about it.

Will begin by saying that this writing was all kinds of incredible. I loved every part of it. And I had no issues at all with connecting with the story and the characters. It was all beautiful. This world was amazing too, and I loved learning about it at every moment. I'm so thrilled that I loved this book so much. Yesss. I will not be spoiling the story or many of the things that happen, but I will be sharing some spoilery thoughts about the romance. As I have a terrible need to talk about how this romance works. So that will be a bit spoilery, but also something you should probably know about before starting this book. Anyway, though, I really loved this awesome book. Such amazing characters. Stunning story, full of heartbreak. But hopeful too. I felt so much for everything.

This book is told from the point of view of Shalia. She is seventeen years old, and she is about to marry a man she has never before met. Her family is a desert clan, and they have lived in the desert their whole lives. And I loved that part so much, because Shalia was amazing, and reading about her home was the best. Her family was big and oh so awesome. Wish there had been more about them all. Shalia agreed to marry a king from a different place, so that there will finally be peace, and no more war between them all.

And oh, I don't know how I felt about that. Shalia was such a stunning character to read about. She was strong and fierce and just so awesome. In the desert, she was the strongest girl. But then she got married and had to leave the desert, and she changed so much. From strong to broken. But then back to strong again, later on. But yeah, those were some heartbreaking parts. But anyway. About the marriage. I really wish she had not had to do that. But she wanted to, as she wanted to help her family, to keep them safe.

The beginning of this book was pretty fun and safe. Loved reading about the very short time before Shalia got married. Reading a little bit about her best friend, Kata, was all kinds of awesome. I adored her. And Shalia's family was the best. We get to know two of her brothers a lot, Rian and Kairos. I am a bit unsure about Rian, but I did like him a bunch. And Kairos was simply the very best. Fun and protective and just an awesome guy. Loved that he was always there for Shalia. Because she truly did need him there. Ack.

This story was all kinds of incredible and exciting and heartbreaking. I don't know how to talk about it all. There is a bit of magic included. And Shalia ends up getting such an awesome power at the beginning of this book. I loved how she learned how to use it, though it took some time. And learning the past of others with powers hurt my heart more than I can say. There is a lot of mention of torture. It was awful. And yet written so well, and I loved it so much. Sigh. But incredibly sad. Yet exciting too, I loved all of the details.

This book is about Shalia marrying this king, Calix. I liked reading about the wedding, and her time with her family before that. But oh, I was worried about this book. Because of her getting married. Because of her husband not being a kind man, though she did not know that at first. But she ended up finding it out pretty fast. Shalia gets married, and is now expected to have a baby fast. Which means she's having to sleep with him every night. It hurt me so so badly. Because it was never any pleasure for her, no feelings.

Which is where the spoilery parts come in. I cannot help but talk about it a little. I worried I would dislike this book, because Shalia had to sleep with this man every night. Ahh. Yet he is not the real love interest. Though it hurt my heart more than I can say, I was not bothered by this. No love triangles, no feelings for her husband at all, and all I felt about it was pain. Because Shalia deserved so much better. And her new husband was not a kind king at all. He didn't care for her the way she deserved to. Bothered me so much.

Thankfully, though, this man was not the love interest. His brother was, Galen. And while that may sound a bit weird, it really wasn't. This book takes place over several months. And Shalia has no feelings for her husband, only hate. And her slowly falling for Galen gave me the happiest feelings. It gave me hope, that there could be a happy ending for Shalia. But yeah. That happy ending might take some time. So much happens in this book. So much heartbreak and death and other awful things. But it was so amazing too.

I am not going to share much more about this story. While I talked a lot about the romance, I have not shared much about the plot at all. And I'm not going to. Just letting you know that the story was all kinds of interesting and exciting. I loved reading Shalia's story. It broke me, but I am hopeful too. For the most part. The ending was so exciting and evil and I loved it so. Cannot wait to read more about her. Be aware, though, that this book is pretty sad. But there is hope. And there is a lot of amazing characters included.

There were so many characters in this book. I loved Shalia the very most. She was so strong, even when she was broken. Even after everything she had to go through. I loved that about her. And her story was the very best. Sigh. Just, please don't let her suffer more in book two. Ahh. I'm nervous. Yet so excited. I also loved Galen just as much as I loved her. He was incredible to read about. Protective and brave and just awesome. Wish to know him more. And oh, his sister, Danae. I loved her, and I hated her a little too.

Reign the Earth was everything I was hoping it would be and more. I'm so happy with how much I loved this book. Happy that I finally read it too. I loved the writing so much, and the characters were all amazing to read about. This lovely author is all kinds of incredible. I simply cannot wait to read more books by her. Eee. Now just waiting for news about book two. I need that so very much. Reign the Earth had a stunning setting and an exciting plot. Full of surprises and awful and hopeful things. You all need to read this book.


  1. Thanks so much for your detailed review of this! I’m still really worried and not sure how I’ll handle everything she faces. Especially the marriage. Eek. But it means a lot that you loved this and couldn’t stop reading it. For some reason I thought this would be companions. But it sounds like a straight series with an unresolved ending?

  2. So glad you loved this one even more that you had thought you would. I always love when that happens. :)


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