
Saturday, January 13, 2018

In My Mailbox #323

Hahaha. I keep getting worse and worse for each week that goes by. Last week it was my lungs. They are lots better after I got antibiotics, and so I don't cough anymore. Which is good. But for this past week I have gotten arthritis pain. Which I have not had for real since I was a child, which I can't even remember. But holy fuck this is painful. Can barely move. Every joint in my body hurts. Worst in my knees and hips. And wrists and shoulders. And every fucking where. I'm so goddamn tired of this. There is new pain ALL THE TIME. I can't take this. I'm trying to stay positive. I am. But it is so hard. I'm tired of being in pain all the time. Sigh. But still, I'm doing okay. For the most part. Blogged a bit this week, and read one amazing book that I loved so much. First I shared a DNF review of The Final Six. First in a long time. This week I'm waiting on Toil & Trouble :) Then shared my review of Reign the Earth, eee. <3 I got some stunning mail this week, which I'm really happy about. And waiting on more awesome things this month, and ahh, I cannot wait :D SO excited. It shall all be awesome. Now just waiting and hoping my body will start feeling better too. Sigh. Fingers crossed for me, please. Now I am just waiting for more stunning mail to arrive :D

Renegades. I loved this book so, and I could not resist getting the gorgeous B&N edition of it too. Eee.
Furyborn. EEE! Thank you so much Ella for trading with me :D SO HAPPY. Fairyloot edition. Love it. <3
Everless. I'm excited about reading this one :D And a little nervous too. Hoping that I will love this book.
Carve the Mark. The new US paperback edition is gorgeous looking :D A little different. Loved the book.
Pop Figures. More pop, eee. I love collecting these. My Wonder Woman collection is huge and gorgeous.

My Plain Jane. YAY! So excited to read this one soonish :D Hope to love it lots. <3 Thank you EW. Eee.
Nightbooks. Yessss. So thrilled about this one :D Reading it very soon; cannot wait. <3 Thank you EW :D

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. So sorry you are in so much pain. That sounds miserable. I hope your joint pain will subside soon!

    Looks like you have lots of great books to read. Hope you enjoy them.

  2. I think the weird weather is affecting everyone in one form or another. I got a bad case of ear infection and I never get those. Sounded like water rushing in my head but finally went away with some ear drops. I hope you feel better and can enjoy those awesome books. I have to go check out Nightbooks!

    My Sunday Post

  3. Oh no, I hope you feel better soon! I've heard nothing but great things about FURYBORN, and I really hope it lives up to all the hype. I still haven't read RENEGADES but I know you love Marissa Meyer. Happy January!

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

  4. Hope you feel better soon. Awesome that you got Everless. I can't wait to read it!


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