
Friday, December 1, 2017

Review: The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

My love for this book will never end. This had been my eight time reading The Scorpio Races since it came out. I did not re-read it last year, which I very much regret not finding the time for. As this book means everything to me. It's so, so good. Always. If you still haven't read this, you are seriously missing out on the best book.

I am going to try my best to write down all the reasons for why I love this book so very much. But might also not write too much, because I have already shared so much of my love for this book before. But I can't help it. The Scorpio Races means so much to me. The book is gorgeous. The characters are beyond amazing.

This book tells the story of Puck and Sean. They live in this small island in the middle of the sea, which was all kinds of awesome. I loved reading about this gorgeous but brutal place. I'm not going to write about the plot of this book, because I want you all to read it instead. So I shall instead just talk about the things that I love. Like the water horses. Because this island isn't only beautiful, it's so dangerous too. Especially in the winter. Because that is when the water horses come out of the sea, looking for things to eat. And oh, how I loved reading about these huge and gorgeous and brutal horses. It was, as always, creepy and beyond amazing. I love this book so much, and everything in it is perfection. The writing is gorgeous. And the story is so, so amazing. Always.

What I love most about this book is the characters. It's told from the point of view of Puck and Sean. Puck was all kinds of adorable. I loved her so much. She's fierce and a bit rude yet full of heart. She's so strong and I simply love how awesome she was. Her parents were killed by one of the horses a year ago, things have been bad for her and her two brothers since then, as they are very short on money. Broke my heart reading about it all again. But it's written so well. And they are being so strong about it too. Love them so.

I very much loved Puck's younger brother, Finn. He was so special and adorable and just the best. I want to read more and more about him. She also has another older brother, Gabe. And I still do not like Gabe, even after eight times of reading this book. He was selfish and rude. Sure, I can believe that he has his own reasons for what he does, but it is still not an excuse to treat your siblings like he does. And so I just cannot ever forgive him. Hmph. But I am dealing with it. Because Puck and Finn handled it all so so well.

And then there was Sean. Sigh. I love this boy beyond words. He's quiet, yet has the biggest heart. He loves this island, like Puck does too, and they would both never leave it. Sean has been working for this kind of terrible man for years now, ever since his father died. And ahh, this story. It just about killed my heart. Sean just wants his freedom, and Corr, his dangerous but beautiful water horse. But some things are never easy. And there is so much happening, all the time. It was so perfect to read about once again.

I'm writing all of this all wrong. But having trouble finding the right words for this book. It's impossible to describe it. It's all just so amazing. The story is about how every year on November first, this island has a water horse race called the Scorpio Races. It's a deadly race. And the winner wins a lot of money. Sean needs to win, as he has done four years before, for a very good reason. Puck enters this race for the first time, for family reasons. Except she's racing with her own regular horse. Many does not approve of this.

I simply can't write more about this book. I don't know what to say. It just makes me so so happy to read it. To read about Puck and Sean and Corr and Dove. To read about Puck and Sean slowly falling for each other. The romance is not big, but it's there, and it's beautiful. Reading about everything that happens on this island is so much fun. And heartbreaking too. I love every single moment of this book. Only wish that there were more. There are many great characters in this book. I still hate Mutt. I still love Holly the most.

I feel like I have written this review entirely wrong. Probably because I have already written so much about this book before. I simply couldn't find the right words for this book this time. But I tried my best. Either way, I once again loved this book beyond words. And cannot wait to read it again and again. The Scorpio Races truly is a perfect book. It's my favorite book by Maggie. And it's her favorite of her books too, which I love so much. Just crossing all my fingers that she will write a sequel to it. I need one badly.


  1. Carina, this is a favorite of mine, too.The writing is just amazing! I've read it and then listened to the audio book which was fantastic! Wonderful review, Carina! :)

  2. I still have to read this one! Been on my list for a long time. So glad you enjoy it so much.


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