
Saturday, December 2, 2017

In My Mailbox #317

This week have been pretty crappy. Ahh. Plus side, I did read two books. Wish I had read more, though. And I did get some pretty mail. And it's looking a lot like Christmas. I'm very happy about that. But, yeah. Not a good week. I got the new type of medicine just last week, and ever since then I have gotten at least over ten side effects. Small fever all the time. Teeth aches. Tired. Coughing. Intense pain in my chest. It's just, yeah. I'm so goddamn tired of being in pain all the time. And stomach isn't any better either. Could take many weeks still until I notice anything different. So I'm feeling a bit sad at the moment. Aw. More medicine next week. Hoping the side effects will pass. Otherwise I fear they will get even more, and I cannot deal with that. Already in so much pain. Really don't want more of it. Ugh. But anyway. A few blog things :D I posted my review of There's Someone Inside Your House. Which was disappointing. Hmph. This week I'm waiting on Devils Unto Dust. <3 Then I posted my review of The Scorpio Races :D Eight read, eee. So anyway. My week hasn't been the best with my health, but the rest of me is doing good :)

Giveaway over at Instagram: Win a Nevernight Bookmark set. Enter here.

A Darker Shade of Magic. Yay for gorgeous B&N edition :D Getting the other two as well. So so pretty.
The Becoming of Noah Shaw. Finally, finally my pre-orders arrived. Took forever. Ack. Gorgeous, though.
Outpost. Eee, thank you for trading this with me Christin. <3 I love it so. Now only missing Enclave :D
Tokoyo. Got this book for review; and I'm hoping that I will enjoy it :D Looks pretty, and it's short too.
Nightfall. Finally got my B&N edition of this precious book as well :D I really must read on in this series.
Into the Bright Unknown + Nightfall. Book two is personalized; and such lovely swag. <3 And ahh, book one was supposed to be personalized too, sobs, but it was not. Feeling a bit sad about it. Still, gorgeous.
Swag Pack. Eee, thank you so, so much Katie for this amazing swag pack :D It's lovely, and I love it so.
Pop Figures. I couldn't resist getting these figures :D Another WW one. And love the Nightmare ones.

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. I had to come and leave a comment here after hearing you didn't have any. That can be disheartening. You got lots of nice books here this week, too. Someday I want to get to A Darker Shade of Magic. I have the audio copy ready to go.

    Side effects suck! I really hope you get your medications sorted right so you can feel better, Carina! Have a great rest of the weekend! :)


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