
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Six Years of Blogging + Giveaway

I'm not sure how it's possible, but I forgot about my blog birthday once again. Was only reminded about it by seeing some lovely friends tweet about their own blog birthday a few days ago. So this time at least I didn't forget about it until way past the date, haha :D Managed to remember before today, so that's good. Anyway. MY BLOG IS SIX YEARS OLD TODAY :D And eee. I have loved blogging all of these years so much. And I don't feel like quitting anytime soon. I do feel like I haven't gotten that many pageviews or comments lately, which makes me a bit sad, but I still love writing reviews and sharing what I get in the mail each week, so I won't stop doing any of it. And I am so, so thankful to all of you for still commenting, because there are a few of you that always visit. It means the most to me. <3 Thank you for supporting me and my blog :D Also, gosh, I'm not sure where the past six years have gone. Time is moving so fast.

I can't afford a big giveaway at this moment, sadly, but still wanted to give away a pre-order even so :) You can pick one of the books pictured below if you win. I have read all four, and I loved them all. You must read them too. The winner will get one pre-ordered hardcover of their choice from the books below.

Will be one winner.
Must reply within 48 hours.


  1. Congratulations! The time has really flown by. Here's to many more years of blogging!

    ~Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  2. Congratulations for your blog birthday! Six years is huge goal!

  3. I forgot mine, too. It was in August. Lol. Oh, well.

    Congratulations, C!

  4. Congratulations on six years of Blogging! Time sure does fly when you're having fun, doesn't it:) My six years is this coming February.

  5. Happy bloganniversary!!! I confess that I don't even know the day I created my blog. =P

    Wishing you many more years of amazing reads, Carina.
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  6. Congrats on your Bloganniversary! I know what you mean about blog comments slowing. It seems like it is getting quieter all the time.

  7. Happy birthday Carina! I love your blog <3
    Megan S. @

  8. Happy 6 years of blogging and wishing you more amazing to come!! :)
    Thank you for a generous giveaway!!

  9. I haven't been reading your blog long & I haven't always commented but I still like reading your blog, though I do read a lot of book blogs which is really the only way I find books to read. I hope you keep on posting. congrats on six years!

    have a lovely day.

  10. Happy blogversary! 6 years! Time sure does fly. What a fun giveaway too. Thanks so much. :)

  11. Six years! That's amazing, love! You really do an amazing job with this blog, Carina! I hope you stay at it for a long, long time!

  12. Happy Anniversary and Thank You!!

  13. Congratulations! Six years is such a long time :D


I love getting comments. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog :)