
Saturday, October 14, 2017

In My Mailbox #310

I got so much mail this week. Ahhh. So for the first time in ages, I had to take two photos. Ack. I wouldn't have had room for all these new books.. but I found more books to sell this week. Sobs. Anyway. I love everything that I got in the mail this week :D Eee. This week I didn't get to read as much.. I read all of Quests for Glory last saturday. <3 Which was awesome. And then on Tuesday I read all of The Fault in Our Stars. Which was not awesome. Ugh. Even though I had loved it like crazy twice before. So unfair. But anyway. Health still sucks the very most. Just waiting for my appointment in ten days. I don't want it, at all, but it has to be done, they say, to decide what medicine I can use now. Sigh. It shall be awful. But I will survive. Probably. Will be my fourth time this year that I'm put to light sleep. Haha. Hope that's safe. Anyway. A few blog posts this week :D And my blog turned six! Eeee. First, posted my review of Quests for Glory. <3 Then my review of The Fault in Our Stars. Ugh. And this week I'm waiting on The Beast's Heart :) And then my Six Years of Blogging + Giveaway post :D Despite bad health, my week was good.

Last Star Burning. I'm crossing all my fingers that I will end up loving this book. It seems so so good.
The Language of Thorns. The UK paperback edition :D Yay. It's so gorgeous. Still missing a few copies.
Into the Bright Unknown. Yessss. I cannot wait to read this final book :D Think I must re-read first, though.
The Knowing. Didn't love this one, sobs, but must still own it, of course :D It's beyond beautiful, though.
Invictus. Finally got my hardcover :D I enjoyed this book oh so much. And the book is oh so gorgeous.
Quests for Glory. My B&N special edition :D So lovely. And my final copy of this book. Ahh. Love it so.
One Dark Throne. B&N special edition :D And German edition. Eee. Both beautiful. Loved this book.
All the Crooked Saints. US and UK and AUS editions. Eee. They are all so beautiful. Hope I'll love this.
Magnus Chase. I now this whole trilogy. But haven't read it yet. Must first re-read all of Percy Jackson :D
The Silver Mask. Ahh, adored book one and two. Must read book three soon, then this one :D So excited.
Devils & Thieves. So excited about this book too. Hoping that I will end up loving it lots. Looks stunning.
Snow & Rose. Eee, I'm super curious about this book. It looks and sounds so amazing. Please be that.
There's Someone Inside Your House. Finally got this one. Reading it soonish, I hope. Wish to love it so.

Harry Potter. The newest illustrated edition. Eee. It's so pretty. Have them all, but not sure when I'll read.
Signed Leigh Bardugo. I AM SO HAPPY. Thank you Leigh :D And Parnassus Books for getting these personalized to me :D I love them all to pieces. And ahh. I got the pins. Beyond happy. Love love love.
Batman: Nightwalker. EEE! Thank you so much Penguin Random House International for this :D Love.
Happy Hello Bookmarks. Ahh. All my newest bookmarks. I have bought a bunch lately. They are perfect.
Swag. Eee. Three Dark Crowns crown + other gorgeous swag :D So happy. Thank you lovely Alyssa. <3
The Language of Thorns Pre-Order Pin. Yay! Thank you so much Jessena for trading this with me. <3
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark + Moana. That first movie is creepy and lovely. Finally bought right Moana.
Pop Figures. More of the new Harry Potter ones, finally :D Yay. And WW. And other lovely ones. Yess.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. First, look at that adorable kitten *.* Second, look at all those Leigh Bardugo books. <3 The Language of Thorns pre-order pin is beautiful - so jealous you've it. ;)

    Happy readings, Carina.
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    Book Monsters

  2. YAY! I'm so glad the swag arrived. OMG look at all of those Bardugo buttons! I need to find a set. I hope you enjoy all of your new goodies!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. Wow what an amazing haul Carina! You have so many great books to look forward to! Also that's amazing that you got signed copies from Bardugo! And happy blogoversary, I can't believe that you've been blogging for 6 years!

  4. Glad you had a good week despite your health. Can't believe what a big haul you have of such great books.

  5. Oh, Snow & Rose looks good! *adds to wish list* Let me know what you think about it.


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